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Samostojno novinarstvo

The activity of independent journalism is carried out by independent journalists.

Independent journalists are journalists who carry out their activity as an independent profession. This means that they are not employed or part-time employed or do not carry out other independent professional activities.

Applies for SKD:


  • A journalist is a person who deals with the collection, processing, forming and classification of information to be published through the media and is employed at the publisher/broadcaster or independently pursues the activity of journalism – independent journalist.

    The status of an independent journalist is acquired with the entry in the register of independent journalists at the Ministry of Culture, after the preliminary opinion of the registered professional organisation of journalists.

    The minister responsible for culture issues the decision on the entry in the register.


Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is possible on cross-border/temporary basis. Acquisition of permits is not required prior to commencing the service.