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Sea sport fishing with a spear gun

Sport fishing with a spear gun (hereinafter: fishing) falls under the recreational fishing classified as non-industrial fishing. This is a non-gainful activity.

This kind of fishing is pursued within the scope of sea sport fishing societies which are members of the Sea Sport Fishing Federation of Slovenia.

A member of a fishing society must acquire an annual permit for sport fishing with a spear gun to pursue sport fishing.

It is important to use the prescribed fishing equipment, adhere to the permitted daily quantity of catch and the method of pursuing sport fishing with a spear gun.

Applies for SKD:

  • Other sports activities R93.190


  • Sport fishing with a spear gun may be implemented in territorial waters of the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of the annual permit.

    A person, who is a member of the sport fishing society which is a member of the Sea Sport Fishing Federation of Slovenia, may obtain the annual sport fishing permit with a spear gun. As per the public authorisation, the Sea Sport Fishing Federation of Slovenia is the only organisation which issues annual permits.

    A member of the society submits a request for the permit to the society. The society collects all applications of its members and submits them to the Sea Sport Fishing Federation, which issues the permit.

    The annual sport fishing permit with a spear gun is 7x10 cm large and printed on the blue paper and includes:

    1. on the front page

    • the inscription Republic of Slovenia;
    • current coat-of-arms of the Republic of Slovenia;
    • statement on the type of permit;
    • validity period;
    • serial number of the issue and
    • the price.

    2. on the reverse side:

    • statements determined for annual sport fishing permits with a spear gun (name and surname, address, number of the personal identification document, place and date of the issue of the annual permit, stamp and signature of the holder of the public authorisation and the name and signature of the authorised seller)

    The annual sport fishing permit with a spear gun is valid only with the membership card of the society which is a member of the Sea Sport Fishing Federation of Slovenia. This permit is also not transferable.

    A person must have the permit with him during the whole implementation of the activity.


  • A sport fisherman with a spear gun must

    • keep the list of daily catch and
    • observe the permitted quantity of daily catch


    To keep the list of daily catch, a form is prescribed which is in a form of a booklet with at least ten pages of 7x10cm dimension and includes:

    1. on the front page:

    • the inscription Republic of Slovenia;
    • coat-of-arms of the republic of Slovenia;
    • statement that this is the form for keeping the list of daily catch;
    • statement on the type of sport fishing;
    • validity period,
    • serial number of the issue and
    • provision on the return of the form to the holder of public authorisation.

     2. other pages include the table with the topics on:

    • date of performing the fishing;
    • fish species caught;
    • number of caught fish;
    • total weight of caught fish in kilograms;
    • duration of the fishing in hours.

    The form of the list of daily catch must be filled out with the date of performing the fishing, prior to the start of sport fishing with a spear gun. The form must be separately filled out with the data on the catch of fish by number and weight and by species. The fisherman must return the filled out form to the holder of the public authorisation for the issue of annual permits of sport fishing with a spear gun at least by the 15 January for the previous calendar year.


    The permitted daily catch quantity is the quantity of fish which a sport fisherman with a spear gun is permitted to catch per a fishing day.

    The permitted daily catch quantity in sport fishing with a spear gun in up to 5 kg. The permitted daily catch quantity is also one fish above 5 kg or two fish with the total weight above 5 kg. A larger fish catch is permitted only in fishing competitions organised by the societies which are members of the Sea Sport Fishing Federation of Slovenia.


    Form for keeping the list of daily catch

    Legal basis

  • In conducting the sport fishing with a spear gun it is prohibited:

    • fishing between sunset and sunrise;
    • fishing with the application of devices enabling underwater breathing;
    • fishing with a vessel equipped with a spear gun and device for underwater breathing;
    • fishing in protected areas.

    Legal basis

  • Sport fishing with a spear gun is carried out only during the daytime, from sunrise to sunset and only as a breath-hold diving and with the use of one's own force. The use of battery torch is allowed.

    It is mandatory to use a signal buoy of the minimum volume of 10 litres which must be tied with a rope to the performer of sport fishing with a spear gun.

    The sport fishing with a spear gun must not be carried out:

    • if it disturbs or hinders the implementation of industrial fishing and fish farming;
    • from a vessel which keeps the device for underwater breathing;
    • by using tow vessels of towing with surface vessel;
    • closer than 200 metres from the marked facilities for marine aquaculture;
    • closer than 50 metres from the properly marked bottom-set nets;
    • in ports and
    • bathing sites in the period from 1 May to 30 October.



    Legal basis

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Cross-border implementation of the sport fishing activity with a spear gun is not defined.