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Social care at home

Social care at home is intended for persons who are entitled to the service and have guaranteed living and other conditions for living in their living environment, however, they cannot care for themselves due to age, disability or chronic disease, their relatives cannot provide such care or have no possibility to provide care. This service involves various forms of organised practical assistance and chores which enable the persons entitled to the service to replace the need for institutional care at an institution, another family or in other organised form.

The service is adapted to the needs of an individual beneficiary and the following sets of tasks:

  • assistance at basic daily chores including assistance at changing clothes, assistance at washing, feeding, performing all basic life necessities, maintaining and caring for personal orthopaedic devices;
  • assistance in the household, including: delivering at least one prepared meal or purchasing food and preparing one meal, washing the dishes, basic cleaning of the residential part of the rooms by removing waste, making the bed and basic maintenance of the bedroom;
  • assistance at preserving social contacts including the following tasks: establishing the social network with the environment, volunteers and relatives, accompanying the beneficiary at the performance of urgent obligations, informing institutions on the condition and needs of the beneficiary and preparing this person for institutional care.

The beneficiary is entitled to assistance at home if they need at least two tasks out of different tasks of chores from the previous paragraph.

The beneficiaries to social care at home are:

  • persons older than 65 years who due to their age or age-related symptoms are not capable of completely independent life;
  • persons with disability status under the Act Concerning Social Care of Mentally and Physically Handicapped Persons who are according to the assessment of the competent commission not able to live independently, if the level and type of their disability enable occasional care at home;
  • other disabled persons who have the right to assistance and care for performing most functions for life;
  • chronically ill and persons with long-term health disorders who do not have the disability statues, but are according to the assessment of the competent social work centre incapable of independent life without the occasional assistance of another person;
  • very ill children or children with severe physical or severe or profound mental disorder and are not included in an organised care.

The social care at home procedure is a professionally managed process and an organised form of practical assistance including professional worker, professional co-worker, direct care provider, beneficiary and key and responsible family members.

The service starts upon the request of the beneficiary or their legal representative and comprises two parts.

The first part comprises the establishment of eligibility to the service, the preparation and conclusion of the agreement in the scope, with the duration and method of service implementation, the organisation of the key environment members and the implementation of introductory meetings between the service provider, the beneficiary or the family.

The second part of the service includes the service management, coordination of service providers and their guidance, cooperation with the beneficiaries at the implementation of the agreement and in complicated living situations of the beneficiaries, and direct implementation of the service at the beneficiary's home according to agreed contents and in the agreed scope.

Changes or amendments to the concluded agreement in the scope, duration and the method of the implementation of the service can be proposed by the service provider and their legal representative.

The duration of the professional preparation of the service implementation in the form of case analysis, the preparation of the agreement in the scope, duration and the method of the implementation of the service, the organisation of the key environment members for the cooperation at providing assistance and the implementation of the introductory meeting between the representatives of the service provider and the beneficiary in average lasts eight hours per beneficiary or up to 12 hours per couple. Direct implementation of the service at the beneficiary's home can be implemented all days in a week or up to 20 hours in a week at the most. If, due to the needs of the beneficiary, the service is performed by two direct social care providers, the number of hours per month can increase by maximally one third.

Work methods

social care at home is performed according to the work method with an individual or a family, if the work with the community method is used, direct forms of assistance to the beneficiary are implemented according to the principles of adapting the implementation of the service to the environment, where the beneficiary lives.
Supervision and education

supervisory consults for direct care providers are also part of the service, i.e. at least eight hours per year, and at least 10 hours per year for professional workers or professional co-workers. Professional education is implemented in the scope as determined by the branch collective agreement for each group of service providers.

Applies for SKD:

  • Other social work activities without accommodation n.e.c. R88.999


  • The work permit is issued for social care service or a form of such service as is determined in the rules in the field of social care and creates a content-related whole. The permit is issued by the competent authority.

    For the acquisition of the permit and the entry in the register of providers of social care services, the applicant must fulfil the prescribed conditions with regard to status and registration, premises, equipment and staff, they must be financially and commercially able to perform the service and obtain the positive opinion of the Social Chamber of Slovenia.

    The application with attached evidence is filed at the competent ministry. In their application, the applicant must indicate the service they want to perform, and data that show their identity (e.g. company name, title and head office).

    A professional commission, appointed by the minister, competent for social care, establishes the fulfilment of conditions for the performance of the service.

    In the case that the applicant starts operating in the year when the application for the issue of the work permit was filed, the last annual report and auditor's report do not have to be attached to the application.

    If the attached last balance sheet indicates a loss, it must be covered until the issue of the decision on the entry in the register.


  • If a municipality authority is competent for issuing consent to the service price, the service provider is obliged to inform the ministry on the issued consent.

    The notification of the competent ministry is the condition for the entry in the register of providers of social security service prior to the start of the performance of service.

    The service provider is obliged to notify the ministry on the consent to the price issued by the municipality authority only when the consent to the price is issued for the first time.

    Legal basis

  • The provider of a social security service is obliged to constantly send written reports to the ministry responsible for labour on all the facts and occurrences that may affect the implementation of the service, such as relevant personnel changes, unforeseeable events, accidents and similar.

    Legal basis

  • The concession in the field of social care is granted for performing public services in the field of social care. 

    The state is the concession provider, except for the care at home services, where the municipality is the concession provider.

    A legal or natural person (concessionaire), who fulfils all the prescribed conditions, is granted the concession based on the public tender.

    The ministry, competent for social care or the municipal council use the concession act to determine the type and scope of services, for which the public tender (tender) for the granting of concession is published.

    The tender can be published only for a service or individual type of service as is determined in the umbrella act and regulations issued based on this act, i.e. on the standards and norms of social care services. A concession cannot be tendered only for a part of a service.

    The concessionaire must fulfil the following conditions:

    • they are a legal entity in the Republic of Slovenia, registered for performing activities subject to the concession or they area a subsidiary of a foreign legal entity that performs this activity, entered in the registered in the Republic of Slovenia, or they are a natural person registered in the Republic of Slovenia for performing the activity subject to the concession,
    • they fulfil the conditions with regard to premises, equipment, staff and other conditions stipulated by the umbrella act and its executive regulations for the performance of the service for which the concession is tendered (services),
    • they have prepared a detailed work programme,
    • they ensure quality implementation of the service and that
    • they area financially and commercially qualified.

    The concession is granted for definite time. For services like first social aid, personal assistance and family assistance as well as home assistance to families (mobile social aid and social care at home) concession is granted for 10 years.

    The concession provider enters the concessionaire in the register of issued concessions.

    Beneficiaries who are exempt from payment of social care services can enforce the exemptions only for social care services that are performed within the scope of a public service and in accordance with the prescribed standards and norms by a public social care institution or concessionaire, where the price is designed in accordance with the prescribed methodology, and for which the law does not stipulate that they are free for the beneficiary.


  • Before entering in the register of providers of social security services on the basis of the work permit or before the acquisition of the concession and entry on the register of concessionaires, the holder of the permit or concessionaire shall obtain the consent to the price of the social security service.

    The price of the service is determined by the legal entity's management authority or the natural person themselves based on the prescribed methodology.

    The provider of social security service lodges an application on a form for the consent to the service price at the competent ministry. Forms are in the annexes to the Rules of the methodology for setting the price of social assistance services. The elements for pricing are: 

    • labour costs,
    • costs of material and services,
    • depreciation costs,
    • costs of investment maintenance,
    • financing costs.

    The providers of social security services define the prices for standard and above standard social security services. The pricing of the standard and above standard service must be separate.

    The consent to the service price of the provider who performs the service within the public service network (also based on a concession) is issued by the competent administrative authority of the municipality, for which the provider performs a service.

    The consent to the service price of the provider who provides the service outside the public service network (also based on a work permit) is issued by the competent administrative authority of the municipality where the service provider has their head office.


    Consent to the price of social welfare services.

    Legal basis

    Competent Authority


  • If the service is implemented on the basis of the issued work permit, the competent minister, after acquiring the permit and consent to the price of the service, issues the decision by which the provider of the service is entered in the register of the providers of the service.

    If the service is implemented on the basis of the concession, the competent authority, ex officio, enters the granted concession in the register of granted concessions.

    The entry in the register of providers of social security services or concessionaires is a condition required to start pursuing social security services.

    Legal basis

  • The data bases, covering the whole national system of social security, are managed in the field of social security for the needs of implementing social security activities stipulated by law, planning of the social security policy, monitoring of the state as well as for scientific and research and statistical purposes.  

    Databases include the data on:

    • services,
    • other assistance for the individual,
    • exemption from service payment,
    • providers of social security activity,
    • funding of social security activity,
    • implementation of other tasks entrusted to the providers of the activity by law as public authorisations, and tasks imposed on the providers of the activity by other regulations. 
    Databases are managed and maintained by social security institutes and other legal and natural entities that pursue the social security activity according to the regulations on the social security (managers of databases) and managers of central databases stipulated by law.

    Legal basis

  • The concessionaire is obliged to constantly send written reports to the municipality (concession providers) on all the facts and occurrences that may affect the implementation of the service, such as relevant personnel changes, unforeseeable events, accidents and similar.

    Legal basis

  • Once a year by the end of March, the concessionaire must submit to the concession provider the annual report encompassing the balance sheet, income statement and attachment with explanations of the statements and business report regarding the implementation of the service.  

    On the basis of the work permit, the service provider shall annually submit the annual report on the work in the past year to the Social Work Institute by April 30.

    Legal basis

  • If the provider in addition to social security activity also performs any other activity, he shall separately show the operations related to the field of social security in the annual report or financial statements.

    If the concessionaire, in addition to the service he received concession for, also conducts other services or activities for which he is registered, he shall observe the regulations on the accounting and provide separate monitoring of business operations and presentation of financial results with the means of public funding and other means for the implementation of public service from the monitoring of operations with means arising from the sale of goods and services in the market.

    Legal basis

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.