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Support activities for petroleum and natural gas mining (09.100)

This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement and pursuit of an activity are established. 


Regulations and conditions:


    Mining Act
A mining right may be obtained by a legal entity or a natural person through a concession granted by the government in the name of the state, separately for research and separately for exploitation or jointly for research and exploitation - applicable to the entire group under code C Mining (Article 13 of the Mining Act - ZRud (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, nos. 98/04 - official consolidated text 1 and 68/08).

    A concession for research may be granted for no more than five years and may be extended for no more than three years each time the scope of research work determined in the concession agreement is not completed despite regular and well-performed research or if the implemented research shows the expedience of continuing the work.

    The concession for exploitation is granted for a limited period usually required for the economic exploitation of a certain mineral resource in a certain area. This period may not be longer than fifty years, unless it is impossible to extract stock in the extraction area in spite of great investment in the exploitation of a certain mineral resource in a certain area and during regular and well-performed exploitation.

    The permit for preliminary research may be obtained by a legal entity or a natural person on the basis of a permit from the administrative unit in the territory of which the preliminary research will take place. This permit may be issued for the duration of the preliminary research, but not more than one year. Article 13 of the ZRud).

    Mining operations may be implemented by a legal entity or a natural person if they are registered for a suitable activity within the EU (hereinafter: operator) and if they meet the conditions for implementing the activity determined in this and other acts (Article 39 of the ZRud). The operator may perform mining operations only on the basis of a permit for the implementation of works as per Article 50 of this Act (Article 40 of the ZRud).

    The operator may perform mining operations only on the basis of a permit for the implementation of works as per Article 50 of this Act.

    The following permits are required for the implementation of mining operations as per Article 4 of this Act, which refer directly to research and exploitation of mineral resources and are issued by the ministry responsible for mining:
        permit for research,
        permit for exploitation,
        permit for cessation of exploitation,
        permit for implementation of work,
        permit for use of facilities and devices.

    Permits as per the preceding paragraph for composite stone, gravel, sand, clay, flysch, marl, pottery, ceramics and brick clay (hereinafter: mineral resources under points 11, 12 and 13 of Article 3 of this Act) and permits for preliminary research are issued by the administrative unit in the territory of which the research or exploitation of mineral resources will take place

    Only the permit as per points 4 and 5 of the first paragraph of this Article is issued for the implementation of mining operations relating directly to the research and exploitation of mineral resources (Article 48 of the ZRud).

    The Act determines the following professions:
  • Technical manager of mining works - head of the occupational health and safety service and ionising radiation protection;
  • Technical manager of mining works - head of the occupational health and safety service;
  • Senior mining manager of internal auditing;
  •  Technical manager of mining works - head of technical service;
  • Team or site manager in mining works;
  • Supervisor of mining works;
  • Senior mining engineer;
  • Senior mining auditor;
  • Senior mining project manager;
  • Manager of mining works;
  • Technical manager of mining works;
Source: Ministry of Infrastructure
  •  Ionising Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act

  • The operator must comply with additional conditions if the exposure of individuals to ionising radiation from artificial or natural radiation sources with natural radionuclides modified due to their radioactive, fissile or fertile properties is increased during the implementation of the activity.
    Detailed information on the conditions for the pursuit of the activity:
  • Implementation of radiation activities.

  • Source: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning


Dejavnosti/storitve, ki so uvrščene v ta SKD podrazred:


Sem spada:
  • storitve v zvezi s pridobivanjem surove nafte in zemeljskega plina za plačilo ali po pogodbi:
    • raziskovalne storitve v povezavi s pridobivanjem nafte in zemeljskega plina, npr. geološka opazovanja nahajališč
    • usmerjeno vrtanje in povrtavanje, predhodno vrtanje skozi mehke plasti
    • postavljanje vrtalnih stolpov na mestu, popravila in demontiranje; betoniranje in zapolnjevanje naftnih in plinskih vrtin; črpanje iz vrtin; mašenje in zapiranje vrtin
    • utekočinjanje in uplinjanje zemeljskega plina za lažji transport, opravljano na nahajališču
    • drenaža in črpanje vode po pogodbi ali za plačilo
    • poskusno vrtanje v povezavi s pridobivanjem nafte in zemeljskega plina
Sem spada tudi:
  • varstvo pred požari in gašenje na naftnih in plinskih poljih
Vir: Statistični urad RS - Pojasnila k standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti - SKD 2008.pdf (1.8 MB)
  • Vrtanje vrtine in postavitev vrtalnega stolpa;
Vir: Statistični urad RS - Tabela vprašanja in odgovori

Applies for SKD:

  • Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction B09.100

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.