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Support services to forestry

Regulations and conditions:

  • List of activities usually carried out as a craft

  • For activities on the List of activities usually carried out as a craft, business entities registering these activities must also be entered in the register of crafts at the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia (OZS) ex officio.
    • Applicable to the following activities/services:

  •  services of forest exploitation:
    • transport of logs within forests,loading,manipulation of timber;
    • construction of skid trails.
    Source: Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
  • Decree on supplementary activities in agriculture

    A supplementary farm activity may be implemented after the finality of the permit for the pursuit of supplementary farm activity and after all conditions determined by the sector regulations for the start of an individual supplementary activity are fulfilled.

    Applies to the following activities/services:

    • skidding of timber from forests.
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
  • Forest Act

    Prior to the start of activities, providers of works in forests must fulfil all conditions and submit evidence to the Forestry Inspection Service.

    Detailed information on the conditions for the pursuit of the activity:

        Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food

  • Agriculture Act

    Staff that manage agricultural and forestry mechanisation and equipment must pass a test on safety at work to perform services with agricultural and forestry mechanisation.

    Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food

Applies for SKD:

  • Support services to forestry A02.400

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

The provider that is established and meets the conditions for the pursuit of craft activities in the EU Member States, EEA or the Swiss Confederation, may occasionally carry out craft activity without establishment in the Republic of Slovenia. Before the first pursuit of an activity, the provider must lodge an application with the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia.