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Surface water status monitoring

Surface water status monitoring is the responsibility of the polluter (Obligor).

Monitoring may be performed only by a person who is entered in the register of monitoring providers maintained by the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.

Surface water status monitoring includes: 

  • measurement of water temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, oxygen saturation, dissolved oxygen concentration at the sampling point,
  • measurement of other parameters included in the surface water status monitoring programme that are measured at the sampling point of the surface water,
  • preparation, transport and storage of samples,
  • laboratory sampling,
  • preparation of samples in the laboratory, measurement and analysis of surface water samples, evaluation of the results of the analyses and the impact with regard to the individual parameters that are the subject of the surface water monitoring in order to determine the impact of the wastewater discharge from the installation,
  • determining the impact of liquid waste discharge or discharge of wastewater from titanium dioxide production or determining the impact of waste disposal at landfills on the surface waters and
  • preparation of a report on performed measurements, analyses and evaluations

Applies for SKD:

  • Technical testing and analysis N71.200


  • You must first register and then choose the appropriate legal form to carry out your activity.

  • In order to perform surface water status monitoring, an authorisation must be obtained.

    The provider of the surface water status monitoring obtains an authorisation on the basis of an application from the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning. The application for authorisation must contain details of the applicant and an indication of the procedures and parameters to be used in the first measurements or monitoring, and also the relevant supporting documents. After an administrative examination of the application, the authorisation is issued.

    The authorisation is valid for six years from the date it is issued, and may be extended if the technical conditions are fulfilled.

    Once the authorisation is obtained, the authorised monitoring provider is entered in the register of monitoring providers maintained by the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.

    A legal person or an individual entrepreneur authorised by the Ministry to perform monitoring and persons entitled to perform monitoring in another Member State may be entered in the register on the basis of a certified copy of the act issued by the competent authority of the Member State.


  • The authorised surface water status monitoring provider must prepare a surface water status monitoring report for each calendar year.

    The surface water status monitoring report must contain the following information:

    • an authorised provider of surface water status monitoring,
    • the obligor and his / her activities,
    • sampling points together with a description of the sampling point (width of the riverbed bottom, width of the wet part of the riverbed, photograph of the riverbed at the sampling point),
    • flow values at the hydrological station at the time of sampling and measurement,
    • type of measurements and the range of parameters included in the monitoring of surface water,
    • the frequency and timing of sampling,
    • the methods of sampling used,
    • measured values of the hydrological parameters at the sampling points, if the monitoring of surface water is for the purpose of determining the impact of waste disposal at a landfill,
    • measured values of parameters for monitoring of surface water,
    • the analytical methods and measurement equipment used and the measurement’s uncertainties and the limits of determination of the analytical methods used,
    • the results of each individual measurement at a sampling point where the operation of the installation has no impact and at the downstream sampling point of the installation; and the evaluation of the surface water monitoring parameters,
    • the evaluation of the impact and
    • conclusions on the impact on the status of the surface waters, including the identification of possible excessive pollution of the environment.

    The polluter (obligor) must submit the surface water status monitoring report in electronic form to the Environment Agency of the Republic of Slovenia by 31 March of the current year for the previous year, at the latest.


    Surface water status monitoring report

    Legal basis

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is possible on cross-border/temporary basis. You may start performing it after acquisition of a specific permit from Competent authority.

A legal person or an individual entrepreneur authorised by the Ministry to perform monitoring and persons entitled to perform monitoring in another Member State may be entered in the register.

A person entitled to perform monitoring in another Member State may be entered in the register on the basis of a certified copy of the act issued by the competent authority of the Member State.