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Technical testing and analysis (71.200)

This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement of an activity are established. 


Regulations and conditions:


  • Environment Protection Act

Chimney sweeping services are performed based on a concession (for small heating devices), which is granted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for eight years.

One concession is granted on an individual chimney sweeping area based on a public tender.

  • Mandatory state public utilities for environment protection, Article 148 of the ZVO-1C (OG RS no. 108/09 – ZVO-1C): measurements, checking and cleaning of small combustion plants, flue ducts and vents for the purposes of environment protection and efficient use of energy, protection of health and fire protection.
  • Mandatory state public utility (Article 92 of the ZVO-1F (OG RS no. 92/2013) measurements, checking and cleaning of heating devices, flue ducts and vents for the purposes of environment protection and efficient use of energy, protection of health and fire protection are implemented until 31 December 2015 according to recent regulations.

Source: Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy

  • Private Security Act

To perform the activity of private security, a licence must be obtained and appropriate staff must be provided: Ministry of Defence
  • Rules on the Testing of Hydrant Networks

  • The testing of hydrant networks may be carried out by legal or natural entities that acquire an authorisation from the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief. The conditions for the acquisition of the authorisation are set forth in the Rules on the Testing of Hydrant Networks.
    Source: Ministry of Defence
  • Road Traffic Safety Act

The act stipulates that technical inspections of motor vehicles and trailer vehicles are carried out by legal entities authorised by the minister competent for interior matters. The  authorisation for performing technical inspections of motor and trailer vehicles is granted to a legal entity meeting the
conditions regarding business premises, prescribed equipment and devices and expert workers, set forth by this Act and
statutory instruments issued on its basis, and meeting the conditions for performing the registration of motor and trailer vehicles.

Source: Ministry of Infrastructure

  • Fire Protection Act and Rules on minimum technical and other conditions for the maintenance of manual and mobile fire extinguishers

  • In order to perform fire protection activities, an authorisation must be acquired and cooperation with a fire extinguisher service and repair person must be established.
    Source: Ministry of Defence
  •  Agriculture Act and Rules on organic production and processing of agricultural products and foodstuffs

    The regulation applies to: carrying out control and certifying organic agricultural products or foodstuffs. Carrying out control and certifying integrated agricultural products.

    Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food

    • List of activities usually carried out as a craft

    • For activities listed on the List of activities

    • usually carried out as a craft, business entities registering these activities must also enter in the register of crafts at the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia (OZS) ex officio.

Velja za naslednje dejavnosti/storitve:

    • merjenje in analitično testiranje kemičnih, mehanskih in drugih lastnosti materialov in izdelkov z različnimi postopki:
      • merjenje čistote vode ali zraka, merjenje radioaktivnosti ipd.; analiza možnih polutantov, kot npr. odpadnih vod.
Vir: Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo


Dejavnosti/storitve, ki so uvrščene v ta SKD podrazred:


Dejavnosti/storitve po pojasnilih k standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti:

Sem spada:
  • merjenje in analitično testiranje kemičnih, mehanskih in drugih lastnosti materialov in izdelkov z različnimi postopki:
    • akustično in vibracijsko testiranje, radiografsko testiranje spojev
    • testiranje čistote mineralov in drugih materialov
    • merjenje čistote vode ali zraka, merjenje radioaktivnosti ipd.; analiza možnih polutantov, kot npr. dima, odpadnih vod
    • analize na področju higiene živil, vključno z veterinarsko kontrolo v povezavi s proizvodnjo hrane
    • preizkušanje in analiziranje fizikalnih lastnost materialov (trdnosti, trajnosti, radioaktivnosti ipd.)
    • certificiranje vodnih plovil, zrakoplovov, vozil, jeklenk, avtentičnosti umetnin ipd.
Sem spada tudi:
  • meritve sevanja pri javljalnikih požara
  • tehnični pregledi motornih vozil, zrakoplovov in vodnih plovil
  • dejavnost kriminoloških laboratorijev

Vir: Statistični urad RS

Dejavnosti/storitve dodane po tabeli vprašanja in odgovori (SURS) :

  • Zagon čistilne naprave kot samostojne storitve;
  • Merjenje in vzorčenje vode ;
  • Izvajanje obratovalnega monitoringa emisij snovi v zrak
  • Pregled hidrantov (kontrolne meritve);
  • Meritve emisij dimnih plinov kot samostojna specializirana storitev;
  • Meritev prebojne trdnosti transformatorskega olja in odvzem vzorca;
  • Demontaža, ponovna montaža in overitev merilnika toplote kot samostojna storitev ;
  • Meritve na strelovodni inštalaciji kot samostojna storitev;
  • Laboratorijske analize zemlje in krme;
  • Storitev analize vzorcev mleka;
  • Tehnični pregled (pavšalni npr. sistema aktivne požarne zaščite) ;
  • Elektro meritve gradbiščne elektro omarice;
  • Zagon kotla na biomaso (brez montaže);
  • Izdelava energetskih izkaznic zgradb (V primeru, da gre pri energetski izkaznici za izdelek na podlagi meritev, se le-ta uvšča v podrazred 71.200; v primeru, da gre za preračunane strokovne cenitve, se izdelek uvršča v podrazred 71.121 );
  • Registracija vozil

Vir: Statistični urad RS


Applies for SKD:

  • Technical testing and analysis N71.200

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is possible on cross-border/temporary basis. Prior to commencing the service, you must submit a written application to the competent authority.

The provider that is established and meets the conditions for the pursuit of craft activities in the EU Member States, EEA or the Swiss Confederation, may occasionally carry out craft activity without establishment in the Republic of Slovenia. Before the first pursuit of an activity, the provider must lodge an application with the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia.