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Testing hydrant networks

Fire protection tasks encompass the research, training, planning measures for fire protection, supervision, fire insurance, fire fighting, technical supervision of installed fire protection systems, chimney sweeping services, property fire protection etc.

The aim of fire protection activity and measures is to protect people, animals, property and the environment against fire and explosions.

Hydrant networks can be tested by natural and legal entities who fulfil the following conditions: 

  • they must be registered for technical inspections and analyses (carrying out the activity of testing fire extinguishing and technical means);
  • they must employ at least one technical supervisor and
  • have appropriate technical equipment. 

Hydrant networks can be tested by a provider who has the following equipment: 

  • transitional piece with two B-pins and a connection for manometer in the middle 2 pieces;
  • a transitional pin B C 2 pieces;
  • tools for working with underground hydrant (key for hydrant, accessory with one B outflow, key for pins) 2 sets;
  • blind pin C 2 pieces;
  • hand piece with a tap ordinary C 1 piece;
  • mouthpieces for hand pieces Ø 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20;
  • table for determining the outflow from the hand piece at measured pressure at different nozzles;
  • water manometer; 0–15 bar, accuracy class 1 (Rules on metrological conditions for manometers, vacuumeters and manovacuumeters, Official Gazette of the SFRY, No. 30/86).

The services provider must have the authorisation for testing hydrant networks issued by the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief.

The services provider issues a confirmation on successfully passed test, i.e.: 

  • on the basis of the report, if there are no deficiencies;
  • on the basis of the notification to the entity that deficiencies have been eliminated, if only non-essential deficiencies were established;
  • it is established based on an additional report that after a new test of the hydrant network, the deficiencies have been eliminated. 

The confirmation is issued in the determined form.

Applies for SKD:

  • Construction of utility projects for fluids F42.210
  • Fire service activities P84.250

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is possible on cross-border/temporary basis. You may start performing it after acquisition of a specific permit from Competent authority.