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Trade of electricity (35.140)

This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement and pursuit of an activity are established. 

Regulations and conditions:

  • Energy Act

To perform individual activities in the field of electric power generation, it is necessary to obtain an authorisation for this electric power generation activity, which is awarded by the Energy Agency.

The authorisation must be obtained for the following activities:

  • production of electricity and heat for remote heating above 1 MW in an individual power plant or heating plant; manufacture, sale and distribution of liquid fuel;
  • processing of oil and petroleum products;
  • transport of energy and fuels by networks;
  • activity of a system operator;
  • storage of gaseous, liquid and solid fuels;
  • supply of electrical energy, gas or heat;
  • organisation of electrical energy and/or natural gas market;
  • representation and mediation in the electrical energy or natural gas market.

The Act stipulates the following professions:

  • Filler of industrial gases;
  • Electricity equipment and installation inspector;
  • Switching operator in industry;
  • Central heating operator;
  • Pumping installation operator;
  • Industrial furnace operator;
  • Air conditioning and ventilation operator;
  • Compressor and refrigeration installation operator;
  • Boiler operator;
  • Internal combustion engine operator;
  • Gas installation operator;
  • Water preparation operator.
Source: Ministry of Infrastructure

    Decree on supplementary activities in agriculture

A supplementary farm activity may be implemented after the finality of the permit for the pursuit of supplementary farm activity and after all conditions determined by the sector regulations for pursuing an individual supplementary activity are fulfilled.

This applies to the following activities and services:

  • production and sale of energy from wood biomass;
  • production and sale of energy from manure, liquid manure and plant substrate.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food

Activities/services which are classified in this sub-class of the standard classification of activities:

This include:

  • sale of electricity to users;
  • activities of electric power brokers or agents that arrange the sale of electricity via power distribution systems operated by others.
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia - Explanatory notes on the standard classification of activities – SKD 2008.pdf (1.8 MB)

Applies for SKD:

  • Distribution of electricity D35.140
  • Trade of electricity D35.150

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.