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State portal for business entities

Informative Notice

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Transport and protection of money and other valuable deliveries

Private security is security which includes the protection of persons. It also encompasses the field of protection of life, personal protection and protection of private property in the protected area, and of movable and immovable property by means of security guards and technical security systems.

Private security is an economic activity which may be performed by licence holders with registered activity.

A licence is a permit to perform one or more forms or tasks of private security, which is granted to a legal entity or a natural person.

The licenced activity of transporting and protecting cash and other insured items may be performed by personnel with one of the following vocational qualifications:

  • NVQ Security guard with special training in transporting and protecting money and other deliveries of valuables;
  • NVQ Security guard supervisor or
  • NVQ Security manager.

Applies for SKD:

  • Detective activities O80.011
  • Private security O80.012
  • Other investigative activities O80.019


Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is possible on cross-border/temporary basis. You may start performing it after acquisition of a specific permit from Competent authority.