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Transport of national treasures
National treasures are a movable property regarded as one of the types of heritage:
- weapons;
- tools;
- building equipment;
- residential equipment;
- clothing and personal items;
- traffic and transport means;
- items for games and spare time;
- artistic items; items of use value;
- ritual items; items of communication;
- coat-of-arms, flags, prizes and awards;
- means for trade and banking;
- items for presentations and demonstrations;
- machines and devices;
- items of education, science and technology;
- geological items;
- botanical items;
- zoological items;
- human remains;
- musical instruments;
- other items of historic importance
- it has a status of a monument;
- it is more than 100 years old archaeological finding originating from the excavations or sites on land or under water in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia;
- it is more than 100 years old constituent of the immovable monument which was exhibited;
- it is inventorised as a part of the museum collection entered in the register of museums as a part of a collection of a public archive or public library, or as a fixture, or as a part of a collection of a church or other religious community;
- has cultural value for the Republic of Slovenia due to its importance.
The transport of national treasures may be carried out by the owner or possessor if the climate conditions are fulfilled during the transport. The transport of vehicles is conduced as per the traffic regulations. A movable national treasure must be secured during the transport.
An owner or possessor must provide a safe transport of a national treasure.Such transport may be carried out only by the state or the authorised museum or person which fulfils the below stated conditions and conditions for the transport as per the regulations governing the private security.
Everyone who conducts the transports of national treasures must be registered as per regulations governing the register of companies and standard classification of activities for the activity which evidently shows that it carries out transports of national treasures.
Applies for SKD:
- Historical site and monument activities S91.220
Applicants who wish to pursue this activity must register the business activity, and have the appropriate legal status.
In terms of light-sensitiveness, the following conditions shall be provided for the material during the transport:
- the material with low level of light-sensitiveness: recommended illumination up to 200 lx, permitted annual quantity of absorbed light up to 84,000 lx·h;
- the material with medium level of light-sensitiveness: recommended illumination up to 50 lx, permitted annual quantity of absorbed light up to 42,000 lx·h;
- the material with high level of light-sensitiveness: recommended illumination up to 50 lx, permitted annual quantity of absorbed light up to 12,000 lx·h;
- the material non-light-sensitive: without limits.
The total UV-radiation of the material for the material with low level of light-sensitiveness shall not exceed 0.4 micro W/cm2 and for material with high level of light-sensitiveness the value must not exceed 0.1 micro W/cm2.
The permanent humidity of 55% or between 45% and 60% of relative humidity with minimum fluctuation shall be provided for the the combined collection.
The temperature is controlled in relation to the humidity and adapted to human well-being. Winter and summer levels may be different due to the economy:
- in winter 19 °C +- 1 °C and
- in summer: 24 °C +- 1 °C.
There shall be no sudden fluctuation of temperature within this range.The same values as for the protection of human health apply in regard to the air and noise pollution and vibrations.
The transport of special or extremely sensitive items or collections calls for special measures determined in the plans of physical and technical protection during the transport.
During the transport, the items shall be protected by placing them in a safe packaging that prevents harmful climate impacts and physical damages caused by movement of items.
Legal basis
- Cultural Heritage Protection Act (ZVKD-1)
- Rules on the Preservation and Storage of National Treasures and Museum Material, on the Entry in the Museum Register and on Granting the Authorisation for Carrying out the National Public Service of Museums
- Rules on the Registry of Types of Heritage and Protection Giidelines
Competent Authority
Ministry of Culture
Maistrova ulica 10
1000 Ljubljana -
During the transport, the movable national treasures shall be insured for damages, destruction or theft.
Legal basis
- Cultural Heritage Protection Act (ZVKD-1)
- Rules on the Registry of Types of Heritage and Protection Giidelines
- Rules on the Preservation and Storage of National Treasures and Museum Material, on the Entry in the Museum Register and on Granting the Authorisation for Carrying out the National Public Service of Museums