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Veterinary clinic

Routine and more complicated health interventions with the most modern medical equipment are performed in a veterinary clinic.

Activities performed at a veterinary clinic:

  • monitoring the health of animals;
  • veterinary check-ups of animals;
  • consulting in the field of animal health protection, food and breeding pathologies from the veterinary aspect;
  • veterinary education of animal owners in relation to the implementation of veterinary activity;
  • providing instructions regarding hygiene in buildings intended for animal breeding, and hygiene in other facilities and devices from the aspect of health protection and the protection of animals and people;
  • urgent veterinary aid;
  • studying the effects of veterinary measures on the environment;
  • organisation and management of prevention, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses;
  • indirect resolution of health-related questions of people, livestock production and technology, consulting;
  • ensuring preparations for defence and protection as well as the operations of veterinary services in war or in natural and other accidents as well as other accidents and in states of emergency;
  • ensuring the training of veterinary first-aid units within civil defence;
  • organisation of veterinary education for animal owners and the population;
  • expert education in the field of veterinary activity;
  • organisation and implementation of courses on basic information about contagious animal diseases;
  • prevention of environmental pollution with pathogens and carriers of infectious animal diseases;
  • monitoring the efficiency of, and ensuring the applicability of, individual means for disinfection, disinsection and deratisation;
  • measures for the sanitary treatment of effluents, manure, liquid manure;
  • examinations in the field of environment protection, air and water hygiene, waste water in livestock production and animal plants and waste treatment plants;
  • protection of animals against torture;
  • research on health protection and protection of animals;

Activities which can be performed at a veterinary clinic within the scope of a public veterinary service:

  • animal labelling and animal register management in accordance with regulations;
  • implementation of preventive measures, detection, treatment and eradication of animal diseases and injuries, as well as surgical interventions on animals;
  • care for the health of breeding animals and health condition for reproduction, implementation of measures for insemination, and the prevention and elimination of sterility;
  • basic field and laboratory diagnostics for the detection of infectious animal diseases;


Applies for SKD:

  • Veterinary activities N75.000


  • Verification happens when the commission of the Slovenian Veterinary Chamber establishes whether a veterinary hospital or organisation fulfils all HR, spatial, technical conditions and conditions regarding equipment for a specific form of organisation.

    The veterinary hospital/organisation must file a request for verification at the Slovenian Veterinary Chamber.

    Fifteen days before the verification procedure, the Chamber notifies the applicant on the time and structure of the three-member commission.

    The verification procedure encompasses:

    • A review of HR documentation (employment contract, M1/M forms – registration of health, pension and disability insurance);
    • A review of operating permit;
    • A review of maintenance documentation, calibration of equipment and electrical voltage measurements and spatial illumination;
    • A review of documents on the removal of harmful medical waste and cadavers;
    • A review of rooms;
    • The preparation of minutes;

    On the basis of the minutes and the commission's opinion, the executive director issues a decision on the completion or non-completion of determined conditions within 30 days.


  • To perform public veterinary services, a veterinary organisation has to obtain a decision from the Slovenian Veterinary Chamber (verification) as well as the concession of the Veterinary Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (VURS).

    Veterinary organisations with a concession perform public veterinary services, ensuring minimum standards of health care of animals which are financed from the Slovenian budget in allocated areas; other public veterinary services can be performed throughout the Republic of Slovenia.

    The state as the provider of the concession grants the concessionaire a license to perform a certain activity that is part of the public veterinary service for a period of 10 years.

    VURS grants concessions on the basis of public tenders published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.

    VURS decides on the selection of the concessionaire by issuing a decision. Once the decision has been made, VURS sends a written contract to the concessionaire, which specifies:

    • the activities of public veterinary service performed by the concessionaire;
    • veterinarians who will perform individual activities as specified in the contract;
    • the area where the concessionaire is obliged to perform the public veterinary services;
    • the method and conditions for performing the activity as specified in the contract;
    • the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the concessionaire and veterinaries;
    • working hours and times or method of ensuring continuous health care for animals;
    • start and duration of concession;
    • source of financing the performance of public services;
    • supervision of the performance of public services;
    • termination of the concession in relation to the concessionaire or veterinarian;
    • deadline for the termination of concession.

    The concessionaire is liable for all damages caused by the concessionaire's employees to users or other persons during the performance, or in connection with the performance, of concession.

    The concession is terminated:

    • by withdrawal or
    • termination of contract.


Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is possible on cross-border/temporary basis. Prior to commencing the service, you must submit a written application to the competent authority.