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Veterinary pharmacy station
A veterinary pharmacy station cannot operate independently, but only within the scope of a veterinary clinic B, veterinary clinic C, veterinary hospital or veterinary clinic which prescribe medications for use in veterinary medicine.
Applies for SKD:
- Veterinary activities N75.000
Verification happens when the commission of the Slovenian Veterinary Chamber establishes whether a veterinary hospital or organisation fulfils all HR, spatial, technical conditions and conditions regarding equipment for a specific form of organisation.
The veterinary hospital/organisation must file a request for verification at the Slovenian Veterinary Chamber.
Fifteen days before the verification procedure, the Chamber notifies the applicant on the time and structure of the three-member commission.
The verification procedure encompasses:
- A review of HR documentation (employment contract, M1/M forms – registration of health, pension and disability insurance);
- A review of operating permit;
- A review of maintenance documentation, calibration of equipment and electrical voltage measurements and spatial illumination;
- A review of documents on the removal of harmful medical waste and cadavers;
- A review of rooms;
- The preparation of minutes;
On the basis of the minutes and the commission's opinion, the executive director issues a decision on the completion or non-completion of determined conditions within 30 days.