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Wholesale of gold and other precious metal

To pursue trade activity, a wholesaler must meet the minimum technical and spatial conditions, manage data on merchandise, suitably determine opening hours.

Precious metals include:

  • platinum,
  • gold,
  • palladium and
  • silver.

A supplier who may be the manufacturer, the manufacturer's representative or importer, must provide conformity of articles with the prescribed technical requirements prior to placing articles on the market. Conformity of articles of precious metals may be guaranteed by suppliers by:

  • submitting the articles to the Metrology Institute to test and mark them with a compliance mark or
  • by maintaining the prescribed technical documentation.

Articles of precious metals must be suitably labelled with the mark of a supplier, the marking concerning the standard of fineness and a compliance mark.Articles are marked manually or with laser engraving. A compliance certificate is issued for articles that are so tiny or sensitive that a suitable mark cannot be imprinted on them due to technical reasons.

Traders must provide suitable premises, and separate sale of certain articles of precious metals and other goods. An image of the compliance mark and a table of the standard levels of fineness must be placed on a visible spot at the place where articles are sold. A magnifying glass with which buyers can clearly see the marks on articles must be available.

Applies for SKD:

  • Wholesale of metals and metal ores G46.820


  • On the basis of a filed request, the Metrology Institute issues to a supplier a decision on the mark of a supplier. Based on this decision, the supplier must submit a stamp with the mark of a supplier to record the pressure mark.

    In addition to general information, a request to determine the mark of a supplier also includes the manner for the establishment of conformity of their products, and information about business premises where products are marked or stored to be placed on the market, and about business premises where products are placed on the market.


  • If marks on articles (the mark of a supplier and the fineness mark) are suitable, the marking of articles with the compliance mark commences. The conformity of articles with the prescribed technical requirements is approved by the Metrology Institute or the person appointed by the Institute using the compliance mark.

    Only finished products are submitted to be marked with the compliance mark. At the request of a supplier, articles may also be marked on the supplier's premises.

    Compliance marks are in the shape of a shield carrying a chemical mark for a precious metal, the SI mark and the number of the regional unit for verification and supervision at the Institute.

    Suppliers must ensure the conformity of articles by submitting articles to the Institute for testing and marking with the conformity mark or by keeping the prescribed technical documentation (self-declared suppliers).

    1. Self-declared suppliers must keep technical documentation with the following chapters:

    • production process,
    • input and output control of the production process – product testing and
    • marking,
    • corrective and preventive measures,
    • documentation management, and the keeping of records,
    • reports.

    Technical documentation must be kept by self-declared suppliers that are manufacturers of articles of precious metals and self-declared suppliers that are importers of articles of precious metals.

    Following testing, suppliers must mark articles with the compliance mark S at the prescribed spot.

    2. The testing and marking of articles with compliance marks is carried out by the Metrology Institute.

    Suppliers must file requests for the testing and marking of articles of precious metals with the compliance mark, which must include the number of articles, their total mass and the fineness of the alloy. If the laboratory establishes during testing that the submitted article has the standard level of fineness that is marked on the article and meets other prescribed technical requirements, the laboratory marks the article with the compliance mark. If an article does not comply with the standard level of fineness marked on thee article or meet other prescribed technical requirements, the Institute's laboratory rejects the request for the marking with the compliance mark. At the written request of a supplier, a retest of the article is carried out by another accredited laboratory. The findings of the retest are final.

    3. CCM mark.

    At the request of a supplier, the Metrology Institute may additionally mark (in addition to the compliance mark) the tested articles with the CCM mark. This mark represents the highest quality level of the testing of articles of precious metals and facilitates unhindered sale of Slovenia products in the international market. The same equally applies to articles marked with the CCM mark in any other Member State of the Convention

    Legal basis

  • The mark that signifies fineness (hereinafter referred to as ‘fineness mark’) confirms that an article of a precious metal has one of the standard levels of fineness.

    The fineness mark on articles of precious metals is composed of a combination of three digits which may be imprinted in a 0.8 mm x 1.25 mm frame.

    The fineness mark must be imprinted next to the mark of a supplier. One fineness mark may be imprinted.

    Legal basis

  • In shops, articles such as jewellery, goldsmiths', watchmakers' and silversmiths' wares or other articles made fully or partially of precious metals or their alloys must be separated from other goods.

    At the place where the articles are sold, images of compliance marks and a table of the standard levels of fineness of precious metals must be placed on a visible spot.

    Buyers must have a magnifying glass at their disposal which makes marks on articles clearly visible and distinguishable.

    At the place where the articles are sold, articles that are temporarily imported as sample articles or articles for exhibition purposes must not be sold.

    Legal basis

  • Retail is performed in an outlet which consists of:

    • a sales space where goods are directly sold, and/or
    • an open sales space where goods are directly sold, and/or
    • a warehouse where goods and packaging are stored, which is not a compulsory area of the outlet.

    If another activity is pursued in the outlet, the space intended for this activity must be visibly separated from the section of the outlet intended for retail or be determined as such in the internal plan of this space. The arrangement of the outlet’s equipment must ensure the safe movement of buyers in the outlet and the safe handling of goods.

    Minimum equipment:

    • The scales for weighing non-packaged goods must be located in the sales space in the section where the sale of non-packaged goods which must be weighed is carried out. The scales must be in compliance with metrological regulations, and suitable for the quantity and types of goods being sold. If goods are weighed together with the packaging (except paper, foil and bags used for delicacies), the scales must include the function of tare weight, which must facilitate the determination of only the actual weight of goods when establishing the price. If the scales do not have this function, the vendor must deduct the weight of the packaging from the total weight, and, when determining the price, take into account only the actual weight of the goods.
    •  Exterior of an outlet:
      • The access to the entrance must be well organised and unobstructed.
      • The façade of the outlet must include a sign in a visible space with the name of the company and place of establishment of the trader, and the potential name of the store.
      • A schedule of the opening hours hours of the outlet must be located in a visible position near the entrance.
      • If retail is also conducted in a suitably arranged space next to the outlet unobstructed movement must be ensured in this space.

    Legal basis

  • A trader must ensure the recording of business events regarding the condition of goods in accordance with the Slovenian Accounting Standards or International Financial Reporting Standards.

    At the point of sale, the trader must provide the competent inspection authorities with the following information on the condition of goods:

    • number and date of the entry document;
    • name of the supplier;
    • number and date of the supplier’s document;
    • name, unit of measure and quantity of goods;
    • the sales price of goods;
    • information on changes to the sales price of goods.

    Legal basis

  • A trader determines the opening times of the outlet in accordance with his or her business decision and considering the needs of consumers. The outlet must operate in accordance with the published schedule of working hours.

    When determining working hours, the trader must consider the number of employees in the outlet and their rights, obligations and responsibilities arising from the employment relationship as stipulated by the act which regulates employment relationships, and the collective agreement in the field of trade in Slovenia, primarily by the provisions referring to the organisation of working hours, breaks, rests and bonuses arising from working hours which are less favourable for employees.

    Dealers may not determine the opening hours of stores on Sundays and other work-free days defined by law.

    Exceptions are stores with sales area of up to 200 square meters at service stations, border crossings, ports for public transport, airports, railway and bus stations and hospitals.

    Exceptions also include stores with a sales area of up to 200 square meters, if work on Sundays and other work-free days defined by law in their stores is performed exclusively by a person who as a sole proprietor is a commercial activity operator or by his or her procurator or a legal representative or procurator of a legal person involved in the commercial activity.

    Work on Sundays and statutory work-free days together with a sole proprietor, a sole proprietor or his or her procurator or legal representative or the procurator of a legal entity involved in a commercial activity, can also be performed by a person who may perform temporary or occasional student work in accordance with the law governing employment and unemployment insurance, and by a person who may perform temporary or occasional work in accordance with the law governing the labour market.


    A schedule of working hours of the outlet must be published in a visible position near the entrance to the outlet.

    Legal basis

  • Suppliers who ensure the compliance of articles with regulations (self-declared suppliers) must pay the annual cost according to the tariff for the annual costs of verification.

    The annual costs of verification and related number of inspections depend on the volume of the annual production and the imports of articles by an individual supplier. The annual costs of verification are determined for the current calendar year in respect of the entire volume of all articles made and imported by a supplier in the previous calendar year. If a supplier is also a manufacturer and importer, the annual costs of verification are determined according to the prevailing activity.

    Verification is carried out at least once annually. The subjects of verification are the system for ensuring the conformity of articles, technical documentation and the conformity of articles in the technical documentation.

    The annual costs of verification are paid by suppliers. The first time suppliers settle the costs is prior to the issue of a decision on the mark of a supplier. After that, the costs must be paid annually. The payment deadline is 15 days from the issue of the invoice.

    Legal basis

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

The activity of wholesale of gold and other precious metals does not fall within the Services Directive. Therefore, cross-border pursuit of the activity is not defined.