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Appointment of sample collectors, inspectors
Prior to the execution of tasks, an individual must be appointed by the competent authority.
Each individual must have appropriate education, work experience and professional exam for the appointment.
An individual submits an application for appointment to the competent authority. The latter verifies whether they fulfil all conditions and then appoints the individual.
The competent authority manages the register of appointed inspectors and sample collectors.
Appointment of sample collectors, inspectors
Procedure costs
Application: 4.54 €
Decision on the appointment: 18.12 €Legal protection
Form of redress: Complaint
Competent Authority: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
Renewal term
Obnova imenovanja je potrebna po enem letu, nato pa vsake štiri leta.
Pristojni organ obnovi imenovanje, če:
- posameznik redno opravlja preglede oziroma vzorčenja;
- sodeluje vsaj vsako drugo leto na letnem srečanju preglednikov, ki ga organizira orga za potrjevanje;
- je iz poročila o nadzoru organa razvidno, da obstaja ujemanje v rezultatih analize med pregledi oziroma vzorci posameznika in uradnimi pregledi oziroma vzorčenji.
Renewal term: Štiri leta