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Carriage voucher or transport document

Timber assortments loaded on a vehicle or transported by road must be equipped with a carriage voucher or transport document due to timber traceability.

The carriage voucher includes the data on the supplier, purchaser, type and quantity of timber assortments, date, time and purpose of the transport.

Carriage vouchers must be kept by the transporters of timber assortments and disclosed for inspection at the request of the police, customs administration and forestry inspection.

A carriage voucher is not required for timber assortments harvested from forests owned by a natural entity, if their total quantity does not exceed six cubic meters, if they are intended for a personal use and transported by a forest owner or his close family member. In this case a felling permit issued by the Slovenia Forest Service is required.

A carriage voucher is also not required, if timber assortments of maximum ten centimetres in diameter at the thick end are loaded on a vehicle or transported by the road. The exception are wood chips and cleft wood, if their total quantity does not exceed six cubic meters and are not loaded on a vehicle together with other timber assortments.

A carriage voucher is received by a forest owner from the Slovenia Forest Service which issues it on the basis of the felling permit. A forest owner is then obliged to hand over the carriage voucher to the transporter upon the acquisition of wood.


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