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Concession for performing public services
The state is the concession provider.
A legal or natural person (concessionaire), who fulfils all the prescribed conditions, is granted the concession based on the public tender.
The ministry, competent for social care uses the concession act to determine the type and scope of services, for which the public tender (tender) for the granting of concession is published.
The tender can be published only for a service or individual type of service as is determined in the umbrella act and regulations issued based on this act, i.e. on the standards and norms of social care services. A concession cannot be tendered only for a part of a service.
The concessionaire must fulfil the following conditions:
- they are a legal entity in the Republic of Slovenia, registered for performing activities subject to the concession or they area a subsidiary of a foreign legal entity that performs this activity, entered in the registered in the Republic of Slovenia, or they are a natural person registered in the Republic of Slovenia for performing the activity subject to the concession,
- they fulfil the conditions with regard to premises, equipment, staff and other conditions stipulated by the umbrella act and its executive regulations for the performance of the service for which the concession is tendered (services),
- they have prepared a detailed work programme,
- they ensure quality implementation of the service and that
- they are financially and commercially qualified.
The concession is granted for a determined period. The concession for institutional care in care facilities is granted for 40 years.
The concession provider enters the concessionaire in the register of issued concessions.
Beneficiaries who are exempt from payment of social care services can enforce the exemptions only for social care services that are performed within the scope of a public service and in accordance with the prescribed standards and norms by a public social care institution or concessionaire, where the price is designed in accordance with the prescribed methodology, and for which the law does not stipulate that they are free for the beneficiary.
Concession for performing public services
- Statement that the legal or natural person is registered with the competent authority of the Republic of Slovenia to pursue the activity that is the subject of concession
- Statement that the person agrees with the bidding conditions, that they allow the information from the documentation managed by the competent ministry to be used for the purpose of this public tender, and that this information may be verified with the com
- Statement of the payment for the preparation of the opinion by the Social Chamber
- Organisational scheme with the number and structure of anticipated personnel, evidence of their education, and their own and others’ statements which show that they will be employed by the concessionaire
- Projection of financial operations for five years with a cash flow table in accordance with the Slovenian Accounting Standard 21 version I.
- Statement of ownership of the premises, including the data on the real estate according to the status in the land register and the ownership contract, or a statement of lease of the facility or premises, including the lease or leasing agreement for the fa
- Project documentation for the facility or premises which shows the fulfilment of minimum technical conditions for the provision of social assistance services
- Calculation of the price for the social assistance service formed according to the price formation methodology for social assistance services or calculation of the price for the social assistance service formed according to norms determined as a test
- Statement that, when they commence pursuing the activity, the provider will level the offered price referred to in the previous indent at most to the highest level of growth in the elements of the price or to take into account potential amendments to the
- Work programme for service provision
- Bid bond in the amount of 1% of the assessed investment value, but not more than EUR 65,000.00
- Annual financial statements for the last three years, of which the last statements must be audited
- Credit rating information from AJPES, i.e. BON – 2 for companies, BON – 2 for public and private law legal entities, or BON – 1/SP for sole traders
- Statement of the provider on their business adequacy
- Statement of loans taken to construct or reconstruct the facilities or premises to provide the service
- Statement of potential mortgages and other real rights on these facilities or premises, or statement that mortgages and other real rights on these facilities or premises do not exist
- Statement of potential other liabilities
Procedure costs
Administrative fee: 22.66 €