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Entry in the register of private detectives

Individuals meeting the requirements for performing private detective services shall be entered in the register of private detectives performing private detective services kept by the Detective Chamber of the Republic of Slovenia.

An application for a licence shall be lodged with the Detective Chamber of the Republic of Slovenia, which, if the application is complete, shall issue a licence and a private detective identification card to the applicant and enter him or her in the register of private detectives.


These terms apply to the profession Private detective

  • The individual concerned must be a citizen of the Republic of Slovenia or any other Member State of the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) or the Swiss Confederation.

  • An individual must have completed at least education in a first-cycle professional study programme or equivalent education abroad that has been recognised in accordance with the Act governing the recognition and evaluation of education.


    Proof of having completed at least education in a first-cycle professional study programme or equivalent education abroad that has been recognised in accordance with the Act governing the recognition and evaluation of education (a certified copy of the diploma).

  • One of the requirements for obtaining a private detective licence is a private detective exam, which is administered by the Detective Chamber of the Republic of Slovenia.

    A candidate must apply for the exam at least 15 days before the scheduled deadline via the online application form.

    The private detective exam consists of a written part and an oral part. The written part of the private detective exam lasts 60 minutes and the entire detective exam takes a maximum of 180 minutes.

    The expert committee deems the entire private detective exam to be successfully passed if the candidate has achieved more than sixty percent of the required knowledge in the written and oral parts of the content sections covered by the programme.

    A candidate confirms an application for the private detective exam by applying at the same time for professional training and upgrading professional knowledge, which is a condition for taking the detective exam. A candidate must apply for professional training provided by the Detective Chamber of the Republic of Slovenia at least 8 days before the starting date thereof.


    Proof of having passed the private detective exam

    Legal basis

    Competent Authority

    Detective Chamber of the Republic of Slovenia

    Stegne 21
    1000 Ljubljana

  • One of the conditions for obtaining a license as a private detective is proof of performing the profession in the last two years, from which it must be evident that during this period the licence applicant has not performed the tasks of a police officer or an authorised official in the Slovene Intelligence and Security Agency or the Intelligence and Security Service of the ministry responsible for defence.


    A certificate demonstrating that in the two years prior to lodging the application the applicant has not performed the tasks of a police officer or an authorised official in the Slovene Intelligence and Security Agency or the Intelligence and Security Service of the ministry responsible for defence.

  • A security screening is an inquiry performed by the Ministry of the Interior with the aim of gathering information about potential security concerns.

    A security screening must be performed prior to the issuance of a licence to perform private detective services and again after if security concerns are suspected.

    Security concerns shall be indicated by a screening that indicates that:

    • the person has been convicted by a final judgment of an intentional criminal offence for which the perpetrator is prosecuted ex officio,
    • the person has been convicted by a final judgment of any other criminal offence prosecuted ex officio and sentenced to a non-suspended prison sentence of more than three months and that this criminal offence is related to the performance of private detective services,
    • reasonable doubt has arisen as to the reliability or credibility of the person performing private detective services.

    Reasonable doubt as to the reliability or credibility of a person shall exist when, on the basis of established facts related to criminal or minor offence proceedings, it may be concluded that the person is likely to perform private detective services in an illegal or unprofessional manner. In establishing this security concern, the principle of proportionality shall be applied and the following elements shall be considered: the circumstances and severity of individual offences or violations, the type and severity of the prescribed sanctions, the period that has elapsed since the violation, the impact on the protection of human rights and freedoms, the age of the person at the time of the violation, and the relationship between the offence and the tasks he or she performs in the context of private detective services.

    The decision as to whether the applicant meets the licensing requirements shall be stayed until a final decision is reached in cases where the applicant:

    • is subject to criminal proceedings for a criminal offence for which the perpetrator is prosecuted ex officio,
    • is subject to criminal proceedings for an unintentional criminal offence committed in relation to the performance of private detective services for which the perpetrator is prosecuted ex officio; or
    • is subject to proceedings for a public order minor offence with elements of violent conduct or a minor offence under the regulations governing the production of and trade in illicit drugs or a minor offence which under this Act may constitute grounds for the revocation of his or her licence and he or she has already been fined for any of these minor offences.

    Security screening may be carried out by the Ministry of the Interior on the basis of a hand-signed consent, which is part of the application for a licence, that the Ministry of the Interior may, in order to assess whether the requirements for performing private detective services have been met, obtain data from official records, in accordance with the provisions of the Act governing private detective services. 


    The ministry’s note on the security clearance procedure on the licence application.

Renewal term

Every four years, the Detective Chamber of the Republic of Slovenia shall organise a periodic training course, which must be attended by all private detectives.

Professions list

Licence register