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European Professional Card for the cross-border or temporary provison of services

The card for the provision of occasional or temporary services in another host Contracting State is issued by the Ministry of Solidarity-Based Future no later than 15 business days of receipt of the complete application. The card is sent to the applicant; the competent authority in the host Contracting State in which the services will be provided is informed accordingly.

The card is valid for 18 months from the date of issue and can be renewed after the expiry of this period for a further 18 months. Card holders must report any changes in circumstances that affect their right to provide services. 

Procedure costs:

The competent authorities in the Republic of Slovenia and in the host State may charge you a fee for each new application. In such case each authority will send you an invoice.

The procedure costs in the Republic of Slovenia are as follows:

The drawing up and transfer of the application for the European Professional Card for the pursuit of a profession on a permanent basis or temporary or occasional provision of services involving risk


EUR 100,00

The issuing of the European Professional Card for the pursuit of a profession on a permanent basis or temporary or occasional provision of services involving risk

EUR 150.00

Further information on the European Professional Card, in particular on the procedure and the cost of the European Professional Card in other countries, is available via the simulator.

Application dossier ali application for marketing authorization

  • e-application for a Evropean Professional Card
  • Annex to application
    • Evidence of citizenship (a copy of valid identity card or passport)
    • Evidence of formal qualifications and professional aptitude (a copy of a diploma or other relevant qualifications)
    • Evidence of professional experience (evidence of work experience)
    • Certificate of good conduct

When you submit an application for the issuance of a card for the permanent practice of a profession or the provision of risky services in the catering contracting country, the Ministry of Solidary Future (MSP) checks the attached supporting documents and sends the application within one month after the previous complete application of the permanent authority of the catering contracting country.

Other activities

There is no appeal against a decision issued by the competent ministry, though an administrative dispute may be initiated. An administrative dispute is commenced by an actionto be lodged directly with the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia, Fajfarjeva 33, 1000 Ljubljana, during office hours or in due time by registered mail. If sent by registered mail, the date of posting is considered the date of delivery to the court. Two copies of the administrative act challenged and two copies of the action – either as transcription or copy – are to be enclosed.

The time limit to bring the action is 30 days from the service of the decision that concluded the procedure.

Pursuant to the Courts Fees Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], Nos 37/08, 97/10, 63/13, 58/14 – Constitutional Court Decision, 19/15 – Constitutional Court Decision, 30/16, 10/17 – ZPP-E, 11/18 – ZIZ-L and 35/18 – Constitutional Court Decision), a court fee under Heading No. 6111 in the amount of EUR 148 is to be paid when the action is brought. The court fee payment is to be made to bank account No. 01100-8450088976.