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Identity card, security guard watchman
An identity card is a document with which a security guard prove that they have acquired a licence and are entitled to directly perform the tasks of private security.
On the basis of their application, an applicant is issued an identity card for the type of work for which they are professionally trained and meet all the conditions.
These terms apply to the profession Security guard watchman
Service ID card can be acquired by a person who is at least 18 years old. Age of majority is proven with a valid identity card or a valid passport.
Personal identity card or passport.
Legal basis
The individual concerned must be a citizen of the Republic of Slovenia or any other Member State of the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) or the Swiss Confederation.
Security clearance is performed by the ministry that collects data on security issues and is done to establish the conditions for performing as a detective. It must be performed before the licence is issued. In the security clearance process, the existence of security issues is established.
Security issues include the following findings:
- That the person was finally convicted for an intentional criminal offence, prosecuted ex officio;
- That the person was finally convicted for another criminal offence, prosecuted ex officio leading to unconditional imprisonment for a period of more than three months and in connection with being a detective;
- Or that there is reasonable doubt about the reliability or credibility of the person in performing detective activity.
The licence is issued if the authority establishes that security issues do not exist.
Security clearance can be performed by the Ministry on the basis of the signed agreement, which is part of the application for a licence, and that the Ministry of the Interior may, to establish the conditions for performing detective activity, acquire data from official records in accordance with the legal provisions that regulate detective activity.
Note of the ministry on the security clearance procedure in the application for the acquisition of a licence.
Legal basis
Competent Authority
Active knowledge of Slovenian is proven if the candidate who wants to perform a specific activity has obtained at least elementary education at a Slovenian school or has the certificate issued by an officially authorised education institution on successfully passed exam in Slovenian on the basic level.
The exam can be taken at twelve external service providers of the Slovene Language Centre of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana.
Legal basis
Health and psychological ability is established by an occupational and sport medicine specialist by a medical examination.
The applicant is not applicable according to health and psychological status is the medical examination establishes that they are alcoholics, drug abusers and if they abuse psychoactive medicines and other psychoactive substances. Medical certificate cannot be older than one year.
Legal basis
The competent authority has not withdrawn the service ID card to the owner due to the violations of legislation in security services. The competent authority can issue a decision withdrawing an individual service ID card to the owner of the service ID card due to the reasons of protecting the public interest, whereas the circumstances of the services and the severity of violations as well as the impact on safety of people or property is considered, if:
- it is established that the owner of the service ID card does not fulfil the legally determined conditions or does not have the capacity to contract;
- who has despite the final imposed fine for violations implemented the same violation:
- performed private protection tasks and was not employed at the owner of the licence and the provider of internal security, used other coercive means at private security, used animals as well as dangerous items as a mean of coercion, which are prohibited by law;
- has caused physical injury or violated human rights or freedoms due to illegal and non-professional use of security officer measures,;
- private security services have been prohibited with a final judicial decision, or illegal or non-professional work of the service ID card owner caused serious consequences on the life and health of people, public order, public safety or high value property (emergency measures in public interest), if the public interest could not be protected with other means that would cause minor impacts on the acquired rights.
If the competent authority establishes that the owner of the service ID card does not fulfil the conditions for implementing private security tasks, they initiate the withdrawal procedure and notify the owner of the licence or internal protection provider.
Legal basis
To acquire an identity card of a security guard watchman, a national vocational qualification of a security guard watchman is required.
The preconditions to acquire the NVQ for a Security guard watchman are:
- a doctor's note of health ability to work as a security guard issued by an occupational and sport medicine practitioner;
- evidence of primary school completion;
- a biography.
Photocopy of a primary school certificate.
Legal basis
A security guard watchman is a person who directly performs the tasks of private security, and may implement measures and duties in accordance with legislative provisions.
Certain specia
l conditions must be met for a person who wishes to acquire the qualification of a security guard watchman:
- a doctor's note on their health ability to work as a security guard watchman issued by an occupational and sport medicine practitioner;
- evidence of completed primary school education.
The professional training of security staff is implemented on three levels:
- applicants acquire the knowledge and skills to perform the work and tasks of security staff through professional training to acquire national vocational qualifications;
- with periodic professional training, security staff update and refresh their knowledge, and prepare themselves for a periodic test of professional competence;
- professional training enables security staff to deepen and expand their expert knowledge, and prepare for a test of professional competence.
After completing the basic professional training, persons must attend periodic professional training every five years. The costs of periodic training depend on the contents. A person may attend professional training at any time.
If a person does not undergo periodic professional training within six months of the end of a five-year period after the basic professional training, it is considered that the person is not professionally competent and does not meet the conditions to perform private security.
A security worker who is qualified for several types of work is recognised as having undergone periodical professional training for other types of work if they complete training for a more demanding type of work in the following order: security manager, authorised engineer of security systems, security guard bodyguard, security control centre operator, security guard supervisor, security guard, security guard watchman and security technician.
Identity card, security guard watchman
- Photocopy of the personal identification document or passport
- Evidence of professional competence (copy of a certificate or NVQ)
- Photo of the applicant
- Photocopy of the medical certificate of health and mental capacity
- Evidence of active knowledge of Slovenian
- Evidence of payment of administrative fee
- Evidence of payment of printed material
Procedure costs
Administrative fee: 22.66 €
Printed matter: 3.50 €
Renewal term
Renewal term: Five years