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Phytosanitary export certificate

The importer of plants, plant products and controlled items must provide a phytosanitary certificate before the importing country which requires a phytosanitary certificate.

The application for the issue of the phytosanitary certificate must be submitted by the exporter for the intended export to the competent phytosanitary inspector at least 24 hours prior to the loading of the shipment.

The application is submitted in written form by including all documents that follow the shipment, and must contain especially:

  • name and company name, address or head office of the shipment's exporter;
  • name and company name, address or head office of the shipment recipient;
  • type and number of the transport mean, if they are known, the number and description of packages and quantity (kg, m3, piece);
  • entry point of the importing country, if it is known; place and time of loading;
  • disinfection or disinsection procedures, if they were conducted (date, type and concentration of the used substance, duration and temperature)

A phytosanitary inspection of the shipment is required prior to the issue of the phytosanitary certificate.

The phytosanitary certificate is issued for shipments that are exported, i.e. on the green form. After the issue of the phytosanitary certificate, importers must ensure that the shipment does not modify with regard to accompanying documentation, authenticity and health condition until the exit from the customs area of the Community. The shipment must remain intact, which is ensured by the importer by: 

  • separating the shipment from other goods and that it is recognisable as a whole;
  • the shipment is marked to enable identification;
  • the shipment is transported in such way that it does not present any hazard for infection, infestation or contamination during transport.


A phytosanitary certificate for re-export is issued on the brown form for shipments that are exported to third countries are do not originate from the European Union, however, they were stored, repacked or distributed after the import in the Republic of Slovenia.

The application is submitted in written form by attaching all documents at the competent authority, which accompany the shipment, and it must contain especially:

  • name and company name, address or head office of the shipment's exporter;
  • name and company name, address or head office of the shipment recipient;
  • type and number of the transport mean, if they are known,
  • the number and description of packages and quantity (kg, m3, piece);
  • entry point of the importing country, if it is known;
  • place and time of loading;
  • disinfection or disinsection procedures, if they were conducted (date, type and concentration of the used substance, duration and temperature),
  • data on the place and country of origin;
  • phytosanitary certificate which accompanied the shipment at import or its copy, certified by the phytosanitary inspector, if it refers to the shipment, for the import of which a phytosanitary certificate is mandatory;
  • data on the place and manner of shipment storage, potential pre-packaging, post-processing and similar to re-export.
A phytosanitary inspection of the shipment is required prior to the issue of the phytosanitary certificate.