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Professional examination in education and training

Persons who work in education and training must pass a professional examination, which is performed orally and encompasses three parts that are taken in the following order:

At the oral exam, the candidate must prove detailed knowledge of the contents that apply to the area where educational work is implemented, and general knowledge of other contents.

An individual part of the oral examination takes maximum 15 minutes.

The candidate who wants to take the professional examination must apply with a form. The application is submitted directly at the ministry and sent by post.

Professional exam is taken in front of an exam commission with at least three members. The grade for each individual part of the oral exam and entire oral exam is passed or failed. The candidate passes the exam if all parts of the oral exam are passed. A certificate is issued after a passed professional exam.

Candidates who meet the conditions can apply for the professional exam on the E-administration portal or submit an application by mail.

The first exam is free, the price of retaking the exam is 54.90 euros including VAT. The fee for retaking the professional exam is paid by the candidate with a payment slip, namely:

Title: Ministry of Education
Address: Masarykova 16 City: 1000 Ljubljana
Purpose of payment: professional exam - repetition
Amount: €61
No. account - IBAN: SI56 0110 0630 0109 972 Bank
Call: 18 33502 - 7141998 - 10040

Contact person
Mrs. Hermina Pohar Sonc
Phone: 01 400 54 69


  • Nursery assistants must have:

    •  professional secondary education acquired on the basis of the pre-school educational programme, or
    • concluded fourth year of grammar school and a course in work with pre-school children.
    Nursery assistants may also be persons who meet the conditions for a nursery teacher.


    Documents on education

    Legal basis

  • Applicants must be proficient in Slovenian literary language. Knowledge of the language is tested with professional examination.

    In kindergartens and schools in ethnically mixed areas of bilingual education, applicants must also be proficient in the language of the foreign ethnic community.

    Legal basis

  • Nursery teachers in the programme for pre-school children may be persons who have concluded:

    •  a higher professional education study programme in pre-school education;
    • a higher professional education study programme of the first cycle in pre-school education;
    • or a master's study programme of the second cycle in pre-school education, early learning and teaching or early learning;

    and also persons who have concluded:

    •  a university study programme (according to this programme, a person acquires education corresponding to second cycle education in accordance with the law) and have acquired the professional title “professor”;
    • a university study programme (according to this programme, a person acquires education corresponding to second cycle education in accordance with the law) in education, art, humanities or social science;
    • a higher professional education or a university study programme;
    • a master's study programme of the second cycle and have acquired the professional title “magister profesor”;
    • a master's study programme of the second cycle in education, art, humanities or social science;
    • a master's study programme of the second cycle in social work, social integration and fairness in the field of handicap, ethnicity and gender or social work with families

     and a training study programme in pre-school education (persons who have professional secondary education in pre-school education do not have to undergo such training). Teachers who carry out adapted programmes for pre-school children with special needs must:

    •  have education acquired on the basis of study programmes for the acquisition of second cycle education or education in the relevant field, or
    • meet the conditions for nursery teachers and undergo a suitable training study programme in special pedagogy.


    Documents on education

    Legal basis

  • Applicants must be proficient in Slovenian literary language. Knowledge of the language is tested with professional examination.

    In kindergartens and schools in ethnically mixed areas of bilingual education, applicants must also be proficient in the language of the foreign ethnic community.

    Legal basis

  • Applicants must be proficient in Slovenian literary language. Knowledge of the language is tested with professional examination.

    In kindergartens and schools in ethnically mixed areas of bilingual education, applicants must also be proficient in the language of the foreign ethnic community.

    Legal basis


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