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List of regulated education and training

Regulated education and training is any training which is specifically geared to the pursuit of a given profession and which comprises a course or courses complemented, where appropriate, by professional training, or probationary or professional practice.

Regulated education and training are classified by the competent authorities.













Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning (MNVP)

Vocational/ professional title Regulated education and training Legal basis
Protection wardens Regulated education and training in the field of nature protection Decree on professional training and examination for nature protection and voluntary wardens (Official Gazette of RS, No 56/15 and 25/17)
Cave guide Regulated education and training in the field of Underground Cave Protection Underground Cave Protection Act (Official Gazette of RS, No 2/04, 61/06 – ZDru-1, 46/14 – ZON-C and 21/18 – ZNOrg);
Rules on qualifications of cave guides for guiding in caves which are open to public and arranged for tourist visits (Official Gazette of RS, No 77/08)


Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (MIZŠ)

Vocational/ professional title Regulated education and training Legal basis
Professional sports worker Kinesiology, first cycle studies
(graduate of kinesiology)
Sports Act (Official Gazette of RS, No 1. 29/17 and 21/18 - ZNOrg);
Rules on the criteria determining officially recognised study programmes for the education of workers in sport (Official Gazette of RS, No 56/17)
Sports recreation, first cycle studies
(graduate of sports recreation)
Physical education, first cycle studies
(graduate of Physical education)
Sports training first cycle studies
(graduate of sports training)
Physical education second cycle studies
(master’s degree, professor of Physical education)
Kinesiology, second cycle studies
(master’s degree of kinesiology)
Applied kinesiology, first cycle studies
(kinesiology graduates)
Applied kinesiology, second cycle studies
(master’s degree of kinesiology)
Sports training, first cycle studies
(sports training graduates)
Sports training, professional college (before 2004)
(graduate coach)
Physical education, university degree education (before 2004)
(professor of Physical education)
Coach of selected sports branch, professional college, (before 2004)
Graduate coach of “selected sports branch”
Physical education (rename in physical education) professional college, (before 2004)
(professor of physical education, before professor of physical education, and organiser of physical culture sport education and coach)
Physical education, higher vocational college (before 1994)
subject teacher of physical education
Sports training higher vocational college (before 1994)
senior manager of sport training
Sports training higher vocational college (before 1994)
senior coach
Physical education higher vocational college (before 1994)
subject teacher for Physical education
Professional sports worker List of state-approved training assignment (fifth paragraph of Article 76, ZŠpo-1) Sports Act (Official Gazette of RS, No s1. 29/17 and 21/18 - ZNOrg);
Rules on the training of professional sports workers (Official Gazette of RS, No 49/18)


Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport (MGTŠ)

Vocational/ professional title Regulated education and training Legal base

Mountain guide

Mountain guide training Mountain Guides Act (Official Gazette of RS, No 99/04 official consolidated version in 59/10


Ministry of Health (MZ)

Vocational/ professional title Regulated education and training Legal basis
1) Dietetic in health sector Rules on traineeships and professional examinations in healthcare activities Rules on traineeships and professional examinations for healthcare and allied professionals in healthcare activities (Official Gazette of RS, No 47/18)
2) Defectologist in health sector,
3) Speech therapist in health sector,
4) Psychologist in health sector,
5) Orthotics and prosthetics,
6) Dental prosthetics,
7) Occupational therapist,
8) Radiographer,
9) Physiotherapist,
10) Sanitary engineer,
11) Oral hygienist,
12) Social worker in health sector,
13) Health care technician,
14) Junior nurse Nursing assistant,
15) Dental technician,
16) Physicist in the health sector,
17) Dental surgeon


Ministry of Infrastructure (MzI)

Vocational/ professional title Regulated education and training Legal basis
An independent expert for production of energy certificates Training of independent expert for energy performance certificate production Rules on the training, accreditation and register of accredited independent experts for energy performance certificate production (Official Gazette of RS, No 30/18)
An independent expert for the inspection of air conditioning systems Training for independent expert for regular inspection of air conditioning systems Rules on the training, accreditation and register of accredited independent experts for regular inspection of air conditioning systems (Official Gazette of RS, No 18/16)
An independent expert for the inspection of heating systems Regulated training


for energy installation managers
Rules on the professional training and examination required for energy installation managers (Official Gazette of RS, No 92/15)


Ministry of Finance (MF)

Vocational/ professional title Regulated education and training Legal basis
Professional worker performs currency exchange operations Education for foreign exchange authorization Foreign Exchange Act (Official Gazette of RS, No 16/08, 85/09 and 109/12)
Holder of the actuarial function   Insurance Act (Official Gazette of RS, No 93/15 and 9/19; hereinafter called: ZZavar-1)
Decision on knowledge required from actuarial function holders and certified actuaries (Official Gazette of RS, No 9/16)
Insurance agent Insurance license training Insurance Act (Official Gazette of RS, No 93/15 and 9/19; hereinafter called: ZZavar-1)
Decision on the conditions to perform the services of insurance agents or brokers (Official Gazette of RS, No 1/16and 32/19)
Insurance broker Training for insurance mediation Insurance Act (Official Gazette of RS, No 93/15 and 9/19; hereinafter called: ZZavar-1)
Decision on the conditions to perform the services of insurance agents or brokers (Official Gazette of RS, No 1/16 and 32/19)
State Internal Auditors Education for obtaining the title of State Internal Auditor  Rules on conditions for obtaining the title of State Internal Auditor or Certified State Internal Auditor (Official Gazette of RS, No 50/15, 79/15 and 46/19)
Verified State Internal Auditors Education for obtaining the title of Certified State Internal Auditor Rules on conditions for obtaining the title of State Internal Auditor or Certified State Internal Auditor (Official Gazette of RS, No 50/15, 79/15 and 46/19)


Ministry of Defence (MORS)

Vocational/ professional title Regulated education and training Legal basis
Lifeguard Training for water rescuing  Protection against Drowning Act (Official Gazette of RS, No 42/07 and 9/11),
Rules on water rescue personnel (Official Gazette of RS, No 103/11),
Rules on the equipment and means of providing first aid, training and testing of persons offering first aid, and medical examination of rescuers from water (Official Gazette of RS, No 70/03 and 34/04 - corr).


Ministry of the Interior (MNZ)

Vocational/ professional title Regulated education and training Legal basis
Security watchman Security watchman training Programme of professional education and training for security watchman determined with the Order determining the professional training programme for security officers-guards (Official Gazette of RS, No 70/17);
Security guard Security guard training Programme of professional education and training for security officer determined with the order determining the professional training programme for security officers (Official Gazette of RS, No 59/17);
Security supervisor Security supervisor training Programme of professional education and training for security supervisor determined with the Order determining the professional training programme for security officer supervisors (Official Gazette of RS, No 36/18);
Security control centre operator Security control centre operator training Programme of professional education and training for security control centre operator determined with Order determining the professional training programme for operators of security and control centres (Official Gazette RS, No 25/19)
Security bodyguard Security bodyguard training Programme of professional education and training for security bodyguard determined with Order determining the professional training programme for a private security bodyguard (Official Gazette of RS, No 61/19)
Security manager Security manager training Programme of professional education and training for security manager determined with Order on programmes for the professional training and periodic advanced training of safety managers (Official Gazette of RS, No 21/19)
Security technician Security technician advance training Programme of professional education and training for security technician determined with Order determining the professional education and training programme and the periodic training programme of a private security technician (Official Gazette of RS, No 80/11)
Authorised security system engineer Authorised Security Systems Engineer advance training Programme of professional education and training for Authorised Security Systems Engineer with Order setting the training program for the professional education and training and periodical professional training of Authorized Security Systems Engineer (Official Gazette of RS, No 81/11)


Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (MKGP)

Vocational/professional title Regulated education and traning Legal basis
Fisherman Advanced training programme for the implementation of commercial fishing Marine Fisheries Act (ZMR-1, Official Gazette of RS, No 58/02)
Rules on the training programme for the implementation of commercial fishing, certificate of the exam performed and records of issued certificates of exams (Official Gazette of RS, No 44/05)
Seller of plant protection products  Advanced training on plant protection products Plant Protection Products Act (Official Gazette of RS, No 83/12)
Rules on training on plant protection products 
(Official Gazette of RS, No 85/13)
Adviser for plant protection products Advanced training on plant protection products Plant Protection Products Act (Official Gazette of RS, No 83/12)
Rules on training on plant protection products (Official Gazette of RS, No 85/13


Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve (MNZ)

Naziv poklica Regulirano izobraževanje in usposabljanje Pravna podlaga
Varnostnik čuvaj Usposabljanje za varnostnika čuvaja Program strokovnega usposabljanja za varnostnika čuvaja, določen z Odredbo o določitvi programa strokovnega usposabljanja za varnostnika čuvaja (Uradni list RS, št. 70/17);
Varnostnik usposabljanje za varnostnika Program strokovnega usposabljanja za varnostnika, določen z Odredbo o določitvi programa strokovnega usposabljanja za varnostnika (Uradni list RS, št. 59/17)
Varnostnik nadzornik usposabljanje za varnostnika nadzornika Program strokovnega usposabljanja za varnostnika nadzornika, določen z Odredbo o določitvi programa strokovnega usposabljanja za varnostnika nadzornika (Uradni list RS, št. 36/18);
Operater varnostno-nadzornega centra usposabljanje za operaterja varnostno-nadzornega centra Program strokovnega usposabljanja za operaterja varnostno-nadzornega centra, določen z Odredbo o določitvi programa strokovnega usposabljanja za operaterja varnostno-nadzornega centra (Uradni list RS, št. 25/19);
Varnostnik telesni stražar usposabljanje za varnostnika telesnega stražarja Program strokovnega usposabljanja za varnostnika telesnega stražarja, določen z Odredbo o določitvi programa strokovnega usposabljanja za varnostnika telesnega stražarja (Uradni list RS, št. 61/19);
Varnostni menedžer usposabljanja za varnostnega menedžerja Program strokovnega usposabljanja za varnostnega menedžerja, določen z Odredbo o določitvi programa strokovnega usposabljanja in programa obdobnega strokovnega izpopolnjevanja za varnostnega menedžerja (Uradni list RS, št. 21/19)
Varnostni tehnik usposabljanje in izpopolnjevanje za varnostnega tehnika Program strokovnega usposabljanja in izpopolnjevanja za varnostnega tehnika, določen z Odredbo o določitvi programa strokovnega usposabljanja in izpopolnjevanja ter programa obdobnega strokovnega izpopolnjevanja za varnostnega tehnika (Uradni list RS, št. 80/11)
Pooblaščeni inženir varnostnih sistemov usposabljanje in izpopolnjevanje za pooblaščenega inženirja varnostnih sistemov Program strokovnega usposabljanja in izpopolnjevanja za pooblaščenega inženirja varnostnih sistemov, določen z Odredbo o določitvi programa strokovnega usposabljanja in izpopolnjevanja ter obdobnega strokovnega izpopolnjevanja za pooblaščenega inženirja varnostnih sistemov (Uradni list RS, št. 81/11)


Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano (MKGP)

Naziv poklica Regulirano izobraževanje in usposabljanje Pravna podlaga
Ribič Program usposabljanja za izvajanje gospodarskega ribolova Zakon o morskem ribištvu (Uradni list RS, št. 115/06, 76/15 in 69/17)                      
Pravilnik o programu usposabljanja za izvajanje gospodarskega ribolova, potrdilu o opravljenem izpitu in o vodenju evidenc o izdanih potrdilih o opravljenih izpitih (Uradni list RS, št. 44/05)
Prodajalec  fitofarmacevtskih sredstev Usposabljanje za ravnanje s fitofarmacevtskimi sredstvi Zakon o fitofarmacevtskih sredstvih (Uradni list RS, št. 83/12)
Pravilnik o usposabljanju o fitofarmacevtskih sredstvih (Uradni list RS, št. 85/13)
Svetovalec fitofarmacevtskih sredstev Usposabljanje za ravnanje s fitofarmacevtskimi sredstvi Zakon o fitofarmacevtskih sredstvih (Uradni list RS, št. 83/12)
Pravilnik o usposabljanju o fitofarmacevtskih sredstvih (Uradni list RS, št. 85/13)