
An application form must be submitted to the ministry responsible for the economy for the issue of a certificate of occasionally providing funeral services in the Republic of Slovenia for the period of one month.
A provider which occasionally provides funeral services in the Republic of Slovenia may be:

  • a legal person or natural person from a European Union Member State, a European Economic Area country or the Swiss Confederation (hereinafter: contracting state) who meets the conditions for providing funeral services in their country;  
  • a legal or natural person who does not have their registered office in a contracting state but meets the conditions for providing funeral services, and the condition of material reciprocity is fulfilled.  

Such provider must file an application form with the ministry for the issue of a certificate of occasionally providing funeral services in the Republic of Slovenia prior to the first such provision of funeral services.

Every application must be accompanied by proof of payment of a fee for the application and certificate in the amount of EUR 9.00 in accordance with the Administrative Fees Act; the fee should be paid into TRR SI56 0110-0100-0315-637, reference 11 21300-7111002.

The applicant must send the application in electronic form to the e-mail address: gp.mgrt(at)gov.si.

The certificate is issued for one month.

The ministry also issues a certificate of meeting the conditions for providing funeral services in the Republic of Slovenia to a natural or legal person intending to provide funeral services in another country.