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Conservation and restoration activity

Conservation and restoration activity includes a series of activities that are directly carried out on heritage with an appropriate set of methodologies, techniques and materials in order to facilitate its enjoyment, understanding and use.

Conservation and restoration activity can be performed by conservators-restaurateurs, conservatory-restaurateurs co-workers and conservation and restoration technicians with a professional exam. 

Applies for SKD:

  • Conservation, restoration and other support activities for cultural heritage S91.300


  • The task of the conservator-restaurateur is the physical preservation of cultural heritage for present and future generations. The conservator-restaurateur contributes to the understanding of cultural heritage in terms of its aesthetic and historical significance and its physical integrity. The conservator-restaurateur accepts responsibility for the implementation of diagnostic examinations, conservation and restoration treatment of cultural heritage objects and for the documentation of all interventions performed on them.


  • A conservation-restoration assistant pursues the activity of conservation and restoration. Before the start of pursuing the occupation a conservator-restorer must finish an adequate level of education and pass the professional examination in the field of conservation and restoration.


  • A conservation-restoration technician pursues the activity of conservation and restoration. Before the start of pursuing the occupation a conservator-restorer must finish an adequate level of education and pass the professional examination in the field of conservation and restoration.


Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.