Informative Notice
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The task of the conservator-restaurateur is the physical preservation of cultural heritage for present and future generations. The conservator-restaurateur contributes to the understanding of cultural heritage in terms of its aesthetic and historical significance and its physical integrity. The conservator-restaurateur accepts responsibility for the implementation of diagnostic examinations, conservation and restoration treatment of cultural heritage objects and for the documentation of all interventions performed on them.
The conservator-restorer shall acquire publicly valid high education of at least level 1 in the relevant restoration field or adequate high education of at least level 1 in the relevant field and at least two years of training in the restoration of the selected type.
The conservator-restorer shall have publicly valid high education of at least level 1 in the relevant field of restoration to pursue the conservation and restoration of the fine art heritage.
- Evidence of education
Legal basis
Recognition of qualifications acquired abroad
There are following systems for the recognition of professional qualifications acquired in the EU:
Cross-border provisions of profession
Državljani članic Evropske unije, Evropskega gospodarskega prostora in Švicarske konfederacije, ki želijo občasno opravljati poklic, morajo pri Ministrstvu za kulturo vložiti pisno prijavo.
Posameznik, ki storitev opravlja več kot eno leto, svojo prijavo podaljša enkrat v koledarskem letu pri Ministrstvu za kulturo in v njej obvesti o morebitni spremembi podatkov.