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Drugje nerazvrščeno izobraževanje, izpopolnjevanje in usposabljanje (85.590)

This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement of an activity are established. 

Regulations and conditions:


  • Maritime Code

     The Slovenian Maritime Administration issues a decision regarding the fulfilment of the conditions for training to an educational institution, another legal or natural entity meeting the conditions for the education and training of seafarers for acquiring authorisations concerning their rank pursuant to Article 70 of the Rules on authorisations and ranks of seafarers.

     Applicable for the following activities/services:
  • Educating and training seafarers
Source: Ministry of Infrastructure
  • Adult Education Act

    Organisations for adult education that will carry out publicly valid programmes or programmes financed by public funds may begin carrying out educational activities after being entered into the register kept by the ministry competent for adult education.
Applicable for the following activities/services:
  • Organiser of adult education
Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
  • Chemicals Act

    Courses and knowledge tests can be organised by authorised organisations which are authorised by the minister responsible for health upon the proposal of the Chemicals Office of the Republic of Slovenia.

    Applicable for the following activities/services:
  • Carrying our professional training and knowledge tests concerning regulations governing the production and sale of chemicals;
Source: Ministry of Health
  • Aviation Act

    Professional training of aviation and other professional staff is carried out by providers who meet the prescribed staff, material and other conditions (flying schools). A work for a specific type or purpose of training is issued to a flying school by the Ministry of Infrastructure.
Source: Ministry of Infrastructure
  • Protection against Drowning Act

Training for lifeguards may be carried out by legal or natural entities that acquire authorisation from the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, in accordance with prescribed programmes. Conditions for acquiring authorisation, and various training programmes for lifeguards are set forth by the Rules on water rescue personnel.

    Applicable for the following activities/services:


  • training for lifeguards

    Source: Ministry of Defence

  • Fire protection Act

    Training for fire protection may be carried out by legal or natural entities that acquire authorisation from the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief. In order to obtain authorisation, the training providers must be registered for performing adult education, they must arrange the cooperation with a person with a suitable education who has passed the exam for carrying out fire protection measures and who has basic adult education competencies. Providers must have the necessary teaching tools and accessories, materials and technical conditions for performing the training.

    Applicable for the following activities/services:


    • fire protection training

        Source: Ministry of defence

  • Road Traffic Safety Act

The minister competent for traffic determines the training programme for persons accompanying exceptional transports, the conditions that an educational or other organisation must meet in order to carry out this programme, the form for the certificate for the successfully completed programme, the manner of keeping records concerning issued certificates and authorisations for the implementation of this programme.

    Applicable for the following activities/services:


  • Training for drivers of exceptional transports

    Source: Ministry of infrastructure

  • Plant Health Act

    Pursuant to Article 43, Paragraph 4 of the Plant Health Act, plant passports may only be issued by professionally qualified persons with a prescribed certificate of basic knowledge acquired at courses, the programme of which and the provider are confirmed by the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection (UVHVVR). More detailed provisions are found in the Rules on professional training and verification of plant health skills.

    Applicable for the following activities/services:


        Source: Ministry of Agricultur

  • Plant protection product Act

    On the basis of the Rules on training on plant protection products, providers must meet technical and spatial conditions and guarantee the cooperation with suitable personnel.

    Applicable for the following activities/services:


        Source: Ministry of Agriculture

  • Regulation on subsidiary on-farm activities

    A subsidiary on-farm activity may start to be implemented after the finality of the permit for the pursuit of a subsidiary on-farm activity and after all conditions determined by the sector regulations for the start of pursuing an individual subsidiary activity are fulfilled.

    Applicable for the following activities/services:


    • counselling on agriculture,
    • organising workshops and courses,
    • training at farms
Operators of the above: supplementary activities must have at least:


  • secondary professional education in the field of agriculture or forestry or an acquired national vocational qualification in this field or a master craftsman exam in this field or
  • education acquired while attending first-cycle study courses in accordance with the law governing higher education, or a level of education acquired while attending study courses which, according to law, are equal to at least a first-cycle education.

This also includes the following supplementary activities on farms:


  • presentation of work from agricultural, forestry and supplementary activities
  • counselling and presenting agricultural house-keeping economy

Source: Ministry of Agriculture

  •  Labour Market Regulation Act

    At the beginning of 2012, the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities based on Article 86 of the Labour Market Regulation Act (ZUTD) published a public tender for granting the concession for performing services for the labour market (public tender), based on which they granted concessions for performing services for the labour market determined under the ZUTD. The subject of the tender was the selection of concessionaires for performing services for the labour market, i.e. lifelong career orientation services. Within the scope of the mentioned service, the selected concessionaires carry out various workshops whose purpose is to acquire skills to learn about an individual's interests and competences, opportunities in their environment, decision-making, and the realisation of employment and career objectives.

    The concessions were granted for the period until 2015 for a total of 13 concessionaires in various Branch Offices of the Slovenian Employment Service. The selected concessionaires implement the service subject to the public tender, i.e. workshops, for all unemployed persons and job seekers whose employment is endangered.  

    Source: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities


Activities/services which are classified in this subclass of the standard classification of activities:


Activities/services according to explanations to the standard classification of activities:

This subclass includes the education of persons who aren’t included in the regular education system. Adult education is included, which isn’t similar to the education of young people with regard to its content on individual stages of initial education. Classes may only take place in evening schools, at adult education centres, people's universities, etc.

This includes:


  • implementing professional training and updating programmes that make it possible to obtain a national vocational qualification
  • carrying out preparations for the testing and confirmation of national vocational qualifications
  • carrying out preparation for master craftsman, foreman or manager examinations
  • teaching various skills for providing tutoring and learning assistance
  • computer training
  • teaching languages
  • religious education
  • education, not defined by ISCED

This also includes:


  • lifeguard training
  • survival training
  • public appearance training
  • the teaching of speed reading

Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Activities/services added under the questions and answers table (SURS):

  • Lessons on neuromuscular taping on the basis of a course taken at the Physical Therapy Association of Slovenia;
  • Workshops for children;
  • Teaching calligraphy;
  • Preventing peer violence;
  • Computer courses;
  • University (higher-education) lecturers, professors at secondary, higher-education school, college, self-employed (s.p.) teachers in primary school;
  • Workshops for adults (various);
  • Homoeopathic workshops – participants learn to make their own medicine;
  • Courses organised by the Farm Housewife Society: cooking, bread and cake baking, etc.;
  • Organising expert excursions (The organisation of expert excursions consists of the following three activities: 79.120 Tour operator activities; 82.300 Organisation of conventions and trade shows; 85.590 other education n.e.c.; the main activity is the one that creates the most added value)
  • Organisation of professional seminars (82.300 Organisation of conventions and trade shows; 85.590 other education n.e.c.; the main activity is the one that creates the most added value);
  • The educational and amusement services "Interpretation of Nature" within the scope of short walks to nature dealing with specific topics on plants, water, etc. (Short walks in nature dealing with specific topics (about plants, water, etc.) – the walk is connected with free-time recreation and amusement: 93.299; A walk with the purpose of education: 85.590);
  • Education and training within the specialisation of masters e.g. of pharmacy;
  • Carrying out a cooking course;
  • Psychology of sports (in the event of education concerning the psychology of sport, the service is classified under 85.590; in the event that it includes services);
  • Carrying out adult education and training courses for the needs of labour, without acquiring publicly valid education;
  • Carrying out language courses;
  • Introducing beekeeping activities including a tour of apiaries and a beekeeping museum as a supplementary activity to beekeeping;
  • Education concerning a healthy lifestyle;
  • Online language teaching and other education;
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Applies for SKD:

  • Other education n.e.c. Q85.590