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Landscape architecture, urban and other planning (71.112 )

This SCA code includes activities and services for which entrance and/or other conditions for the commencement of an activity are established. 


Regulations and conditions:


  • Construction Act

In order to perform the activities of technical designing, revising or construction supervision, providers must guarantee the cooperation with individuals who meet the conditions under the Construction Act (ZGO) (professional examination and entry into the directory of authorised engineers at the Slovenian Chamber of Engineers or the Slovenian Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning).

This applies to the following personnel:

  • responsible building designer,
  • responsible works manager,
  • responsible reviser,
  • spatial planners

Source: Ministry of Infrastructure

  • Forest Act

Prior to the start of activities, providers of works in forests must fulfil all conditions and submit evidence to the forestry inspection.

Applies to:

  • designing forest roads,
  • designing forest cableway wood skidding,
  • planning felling and skidding in difficult working conditions or with multiple skidding options,
  • organising works and the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment,
  • managing work groups of workers,
  • planning felling and skidding in less difficult or stable working conditions,
  • construction and mechanical maintenance of forest roads,
  • mechanical felling,
  • loading, unloading and transport of wood
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food


Activities/services which are classified in this subclass of the standard classification of activities:


Activities/services as per explanatory notes to the standard classification of activities:

This include:

  • spatial, urban planning and landscaping and related counselling.
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia;

Activities/services added under the questions and answers table (SURS):

  • Services of an architect (the classification as a core activity depends on which services are used to create the majority of the added value or income. Possible classifications are: 71.111 Architectural planning, 71.112 Landscape architecture, urban and other planning 74.100 Specialised design activities;
  • designing and constructing gardens (for the designing and planning of gardens: 71.112; for implementation of garden arrangements after designing: 81.300. The main activity contributes the most to the added value or profits)
Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Applies for SKD:

  • Landscape architecture, urban and other planning N71.112

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.