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Processing and removal of waste ozone depleting substances or fluorinated greenhouse gases

The operator of immovable equipment, maintenance provider of equipment and authorised company must submit the accumulated waste ozone depleting substances or fluorinated greenhouse gases to the processor or remover of ozone depleting substances or fluorinated greenhouse gases for processing or removal.

Processing entails the processing of an ozone depleting substance or fluorinated greenhouse gas up to the level that is required for a new substance or new gas in connection with the quality of an ozone depleting substance or fluorinated greenhouse gas.

The removal of waste substance includes the procedures of dissolution or destruction of waste ozone depleting substances or fluorinated greenhouse gases that do not harm the environment. In this process, all ozone depleting substances or fluorinated greenhouse gases are modified or dissolved to several durable substances that do not harm the ozone or to fluorinated greenhouse gases.

The processor or remover of waste ozone depleting substances or fluorinated greenhouse gases can perform this activity after acquiring the environmental protection permit. The processing of such substances must be accompanied by appropriate handling, keeping records and preparing a report.

Applies for SKD:

  • Energy recovery E38.220
  • Other waste recovery E38.230
  • Incineration without energy recovery E38.310
  • Landfilling or permanent storage E38.320
  • Other waste disposal E38.330


  • Applicants who wish to pursue this activity must register the business activity, and have the appropriate legal status.

  • The processing provider can process waste based on the environmental permit for the processing or disposal of waste.

    The application for the entry in the register is submitted in written or electronic form at the Environment Agency of Republic of Slovenia (ARSO). After ARSO establishes whether the application is appropriate from the administrative and content view, it issues an environmental permit for processing and disposal of waste.

    The environmental permit for processing or disposal of waste determines:

    • classification numbers of non-hazardous or hazardous waste that can be processed;
    • total quantity of waste processed annually;
    • total quantity of hazardous waste processed annually, processing place (land plot number of building number from the register of real property);
    • procedure and method of processing waste;
    • measures for preventing and reducing harmful impacts on the environment caused by waste processing;
    • technical and other requirements for the device operations;
    • the level of energy efficiency of the device in case of incinerating or co-incinerating waste with energy processing;
    • requirements in connection with the storage of waste before processing and the management with remaining waste after processing;
    • the scope and content of operational monitoring;
    • the requirements in connection with measures to prevent harmful impacts on the environment after the termination of waste processing;
    • requirements in connection with the takeover of waste.

    After the acquisition of the environmental permit, the processing provider is entered in the register of processing providers ex officio.


  • The transporter must ensure that the transport of waste is properly conducted and that the waste is delivered to the person who accepts it according to the data in the record sheet.

    The transport of waste is appropriate when the waste is managed in such a way that there is no threat to human health and that the management does not cause harmful effects on the environment, in particular:

    • excessive water, air and soil pollution,
    • excessive noise pollution and odours,
    • harmful effects on the areas with a legal regime,
    • harmful effects on protected landscape or area.
    When transporting hazardous waste, the shipment of waste must be accompanied by a copy of the record sheet


    Appropriate waste management

    Legal basis

  • For every type of waste, a record sheet must be completed and the original waste producer is responsible for it.

    Record sheet is a document that confirms the handover and acceptance of a shipment of waste when, in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, the waste is moved from the place of origin, preliminary storage or storage to the place of preliminary storage, storage or waste processing.

    The record sheet must contain data on: 

    • the original producer who hands over the waste, and the place of the handover of the shipment of waste;
    • the transporter of waste and means of transport;
    • the collector if a collector accepts the waste and the place of acceptance;
    • the processor if the waste is accepted by a processor or merchant, and the place of the acceptance of the shipment of waste;
    • classification code and the quantity of waste in the shipment to be handed over and accepted;
    • place of preliminary storage if a collector accepts the waste;
    • place and procedure of processing if the waste is accepted by the processor or merchant;
    • the person providing the fulfilment of the obligations of the product manufacturers when it comes to the handover and acceptance of waste.

    Record sheet must be completed with the use of the information system for the management of waste and is valid when it is authenticated with the electronic signatures of the original waste producer and the collector or processor or merchant.

    Record sheet must be confirmed within 30 days after the acceptance of the shipment of non-hazardous waste and in the case of hazardous waste, on the next working day after the acceptance of the shipment of hazardous waste.

    A copy of the completed record sheet which must accompany the shipment in the transport of hazardous waste must also be signed by the transporter before the start of the transport.

    A processor must keep records on the waste processing containing information on the classification codes and quantities of:

    • own waste if he processes it;
    • waste accepted for processing, and their holders in the Republic of Slovenia;
    • waste accepted for processing from other EU Member States or third countries;
    • waste the processing of which was refused and their holders;
    • stored waste;
    • processed waste;
    • products of processing and residues of waste after processing and on their further management;
    • waste that has lost the status of waste (after the completion of processing into products, materials or substances for use in the original or another purpose or energy production).

    Data should be entered into the record in such a manner that the chronology of the waste processing and management is clear and indicated separately according to the processing procedures.

    The processor must keep the records for an individual calendar year for at least five years.


    Records on waste processing and record sheet

    Legal basis

  • No later than 31st March of the current year, a waste processor must submit a report on the waste processing for the previous calendar year to the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning.

    To submit the report, the waste processor must use the information system for waste management that specifies the form and content of the report.

    The report on the waste processing must contain the information on:

    • the name and address or company name and registered office;
    • activity;
    • registration number of the processor;
    • the information on the quantities of processed waste according to the classification code:
    • own waste that he processes;
    • waste accepted for processing from holders in the Republic of Slovenia;
    • imported waste and waste obtained from EU Member States, accepted  for processing;
    • processed waste that was stored at the end of the previous reporting period;
    • processed waste separately according to the processing procedures;
    • waste used for covering the landfill upon the removal of waste by disposal;
    • waste that have lost the status of waste.


    The report on the waste processing

    Legal basis

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.