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Sign language interpreting

A sign language is a language of communication of the deaf or a natural means for the communication of deaf persons. A sign language is a visual and sign language system with a specific placement, position, orientation and movement of arms and fingers and facial expressions. 

A deaf person is a person who is entirely without hearing, or a person who due to a hindered communication uses a sign language as a natural language.

An interpreter interprets the Slovenian spoken language into sign language for the deaf person, and interprets sign language into the Slovenian spoken language for hearing persons.

In the areas where the Italian and Hungarian national communities live, the deaf person may also asserts his right to the interpreting of Italian or Hungarian spoken language into Italian and Hungarian sign language and the interpreting of the Italian or Hungarian sign language into the Hungarian or Italian language.

Applies for SKD:

  • Translation and interpretation activities N74.300


  • Applicants who wish to pursue this activity must register the business activity, and have the appropriate legal status.

  • An interpreter interprets the Slovenian spoken language into the sign language for the deaf persons, and interprets the sign language into the Slovenian spoken language for hearing persons. An interpreter is an adult person with the issued certificate as per the regulations governing the national vocational qualifications and entered in the register of interpreters of sign language. An interpreter must observe the Code of Professional Conduct for interpreters in pursuing his work.

    An interpreter pursues his activity in the following cases:

    • if a deaf person is a party to the proceedings before the state authorities, local self-government authorities, in providers of public authorisations or providers of public services (e.g. administrative units, municipalities, centres for social work, employment services, health-care centres, pension and disability insurance institute, etc.);
    • if a deaf person has the status of a pupil and student, unless the communication is provided on the basis of the individualised plan in a different way acceptable for a deaf person;
    • in all other life situations when a deaf person thinks that he does not need an interpreter (examinations not covered by health insurance, parent-teacher meetings, consultation hours, bank services, religious rituals, interpretation in instructions, road traffic courses, etc.).  

    The Sign Language Interpreters Association of Slovenia (hereinafter: Association) keeps a list of interpreters of sign language, which it submits to all centres for social work. The list of interpreters includes names and surnames of interpreters, their contact address and availability. An interpreter may be contacted in person or through the Sign Language Interpreters Association of Slovenia.


Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.