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Interpreter of sign language
An interpreter interprets the Slovenian spoken language into the sign language for the deaf persons, and interprets the sign language into the Slovenian spoken language for hearing persons. An interpreter is an adult person with the issued certificate as per the regulations governing the national vocational qualifications and entered in the register of interpreters of sign language. An interpreter must observe the Code of Professional Conduct for interpreters in pursuing his work.
An interpreter pursues his activity in the following cases:
- if a deaf person is a party to the proceedings before the state authorities, local self-government authorities, in providers of public authorisations or providers of public services (e.g. administrative units, municipalities, centres for social work, employment services, health-care centres, pension and disability insurance institute, etc.);
- if a deaf person has the status of a pupil and student, unless the communication is provided on the basis of the individualised plan in a different way acceptable for a deaf person;
- in all other life situations when a deaf person thinks that he does not need an interpreter (examinations not covered by health insurance, parent-teacher meetings, consultation hours, bank services, religious rituals, interpretation in instructions, road traffic courses, etc.).
The Sign Language Interpreters Association of Slovenia (hereinafter: Association) keeps a list of interpreters of sign language, which it submits to all centres for social work. The list of interpreters includes names and surnames of interpreters, their contact address and availability. An interpreter may be contacted in person or through the Sign Language Interpreters Association of Slovenia.
The interpreters of sign language shall be adults, i.e. at least 18 years of age.
Legal basis
The interpreter shall have at least secondary professional or general education.
Legal basis
The interpreter shall have 3 years of experience in using the Slovenian sign language (formal or informal certificate) or an certificate obtained for NVQ Assistant in communication in the Slovenian sign language.
Legal basis
The interpreter shall obtain a medical certificate on the appropriate health status which confirms that he has good hearing and speech, healthy fingers and hands.
- Medical certificate
Legal basis
To obtain the national vocational qualification, the Certificate on the national vocational qualification must be acquired. The certificate is acquired in the process of verifying and confirming national vocational qualifications, performed by contractors who are registered in the National Examination Centre's register, namely:The procedure or examining and confirming the NVQ is conducted:
- with direct verification of professional knowledge, skills and qualifications specified in the catalogue of professional knowledge and skills;
- by confirming professional knowledge and skills:
- a candidate prepares a personal portfolio, which is assessed by the commission and the contents of the catalogue are partially or entirely recognised;
- if the committee is not able to recognise all contents of the catalogue, further tasks for verification are determined.
Legal basis
The register of sign language interpreters is managed by the ministry, competent for disability care and comprises:
- date and number of the decision on the entry in the register,
- personal data (name and surname of the interpreter, date and place of birth, personal identification number, achieved level and type of education, residence, tax number);
- date and number of certificate issue;
- acquired vocational qualification.
The ministry competent for disability care, issues the decision on the entry in the register or on the deletion from the register. The ministry notifies the Sign Language Interpreters Association on the issued decision, since it manages the publicly accessible list of sign language interpreters who are entered in the register.An interpreter is deleted from the sign language interpreters register:
- if they die;
- if they make a written statement that they do not want to work as interpreters;
- if they were prohibited to perform their work as interpreters.