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State portal for business entities

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Waste processing

Waste management also encompasses proper waste processing, which is a procedure of processing or disposal or waste, including the preparation for processing or disposal.

Waste processing operator is obliged to process waste, they also dispose of waste.


Processing is a procedure that results in the use of waste at a plant where they were processed or at other commercial activities to replace other materials. Waste processing activity is performed by the processing operator who must appropriately process waste.


Disposal is a procedure other than processing, even if the secondary result of the procedure is acquiring substances or energy. Waste disposal is performed by a disposal operator.

The processing operators must obtain an environmental permit for the processing/disposal of waste. It is important to appropriately manage waste, keep records on waste processing and prepare a report on waste processing.

Applies for SKD:

  • Waste recovery E38.2
  • Waste disposal without recovery E38.3

Cross-border/temporary provisions of activity

Performance of the activity in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.