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Entry in the register of providers of publicly valid education and training programmes

The providers of publicly valid education and training programmes are entered in the register. The register is administered by the ministry competent for education.

For performing education and training, kindergartens and schools must have professional staff with prescribed education, premises and equipment determined by the minister or the chamber that is authorised by the law.

Schools and kindergartens can perform the activity of education after being entered in the register managed by the ministry competent for preschool education or education. A kindergarten or school is entered in the register if the conditions determined for premises and equipment are ensured, if they have valid programme and if they attach the statement that the condition referring to ensuring professional staff with required education will be fulfilled until the start of the activity.

The application for the entry in the register at the ministry competent for preschool education or education is submitted by the management of the kindergarten or school. The application for entry must contain:

  •  name and company name, head office and identification number of the founder or name and surname, birth date, residence and identification number, if the founder is a natural entity;
  • name and head office of the kindergarten or school;
  • number and date of the act of incorporation;
  • the name of the programme implemented by the kindergarten or school;
  • public validity of the programme;
  • statement of the managerial authority on ensuring the fulfilment of spatial, staff and equipment conditions of the statement by the management that the condition referring to ensuring professional staff with required education will be fulfilled until the start of the activity.


The management of the kindergarten or school is responsible for the truthfulness of data and statements under criminal and damage liability. If there is doubt on ensuring the conditions, the ministry can request the submission of additional evidence on ensuring the conditions for the implementation of activities in the first year after the registration prior to making the entry in the register.

If special knowledge is required for establishing or assessing a fact and the official person doesn’t have such knowledge, the minister appoints an expert or commission that establishes whether the provider fulfils the prescribed conditions for performing the education activities.

If the provider fulfils the conditions for entry in the register, the minister issues a decision on the entry into the register.

Data changes must also be entered in the register. The provider must send any modification of data entered in the register within 30 days upon their occurrence.

The kindergarten or school is deleted from the register:

  •  if the publicly valid programme is terminated;
  • if a final judgement was issued to prohibit the implementation of the publicly valid programme;
  • upon the inspections' proposal, if the school or kindergarten does not act in accordance with the final inspection decision that refers to the provision of conditions necessary for entry in the register;
  • if it ceases to exist.


  • In addition to matters determined by law, the Articles of Association also regulate internal organisation of public kindergartens and schools.

    In the Articles of Association of a kindergarten or school, the founder, who may be a legal public or private entity, determines that all or individual accompanying activities (accounting, legal and human resource activities, organisation of meals, maintenance, cleaning of premises, and similar) for the kindergarten or school will be carried out within the scope of the founder's services.

    If the tasks transferred from a kindergarten or school are financed by funds not provided by the founder, the latter must agree beforehand with the fund provider on the manner of payment for the transferred tasks, and of supervision over the intended use of the funds allocated for the implementation of the transferred tasks.

    Legal basis

  • Educational programmes have general and special parts.

    The general part contains the name of the programme, the objectives of education, the duration of education, mandatory methods for testing and assessing knowledge, condition for enrolment, and conditions for progress and conclusion of education.

    The special part contains the curriculum, syllabuses, catalogues of knowledge and exam catalogues for individual subjects which include the content of subjects or subject fields and optional activities, standards of knowledge or the objectives of lessons and knowledge, which are tested at the end of individual periods in elementary school and with the mature or final exam, and knowledge that teachers of individual subjects must have.

    The content and procedure of adopting educational programmes for private schools are determined in the Articles of Association. Educational programmes become state approved when the competent expert council establishes that they are in accordance with the objectives of the education system in the Republic of Slovenia and that they provide equivalent educational standard.

    The programme for pre-school children in private kindergartens is determined by founders or the competent body of a kindergarten in line with the Articles of Association. Programmes must determine duration, objectives and content.

    Prior to commencing the programme for pre-school children, private kindergartens must acquire a positive assessment from the Expert Council of the Republic of Slovenia for General Education on the suitability of the programme.

    • In terms of duration, kindergartens may carry out the following programmes: day programmes lasting from six to nine hours which may be carried out in the morning, afternoon, throughout the day or alternately;
    • half-day programmes lasting from four to six hours which may be carried out in the morning, afternoon, or alternately;
    • and short programmes lasting from 240 to 720 annually.
    Day and half-day programmes are intended for children from the age of one to their enrolment in school, and include education, care and meals for children. Short programmes are intended for children from the age of one to their enrolment in school, and include education and care, and potentially meals for children.

    Legal basis

  • Kindergarten premises may also be located in buildings that have not been constructed for kindergartens, i.e. in residential buildings, administrative and office buildings, commercial and other buildings for service activities, and in buildings of a general social significance if and operating permit has been issued for this building. A maximum of two groups of children may stay in such buildings in accordance with the norms and standards that determine kindergarten premises and equipment. Such buildings do not require a change of the use of a building for the pre-school education activity.

    Kindergartens must observe the norms and minimum technical conditions for kindergarten premises and equipment. New buildings must observe norms regarding the land, building and premises of a kindergarten, such as rooms for children and other facilities. Norms regarding equipment, and hygienic and technical conditions must also be observed. If kindergartens are established in buildings that have not been constructed for kindergartens, norms on the arrangement of facilities must be observed.

    Legal basis

  • A preschool teacher is an individual who prepares, plans and directly organises and manages education work with preschool children (from 1 to 6 years of age) and prepares didactic materials. During the implementation of the programme, a preschool teacher professionally guides the assistant, cooperates with parents and creates the platform for the development of children's physical and mental abilities.

    A preschool teacher must have active knowledge of Slovenian written language, appropriate education and passed professional exam in education.


  • An assistant to a preschool teacher is an individual who cooperates with the teacher in the preparation and planning of work and assists in the implementation of education work with preschool children (from 1 to 6 years of age) and prepares educational tools and materials as well as the premises.

    An assistant to a preschool teacher must have an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A counsellor in education informs, counsels and offers help to children, pupils and students. Together with other co-workers collaborates in preparing the everyday life in the kindergarten, school or at home, coordinates and organises help to pupils, offers assistance to teachers in improving the efficiency of teaching and counsels them for effectively working with pupils and students with problems, lectures and organises workshops for teachers, preschool teachers and parents.

    Counsellor must have: active knowledge of Slovenian written language, appropriate education and passed professional exam in education.


  • In addition to matters determined by law, the Articles of Association also regulate internal organisation of public kindergartens and schools.

    In the Articles of Association of a kindergarten or school, the founder, who may be a legal public or private entity, determines that all or individual accompanying activities (accounting, legal and human resource activities, organisation of meals, maintenance, cleaning of premises, and similar) for the kindergarten or school will be carried out within the scope of the founder's services.

    If the tasks transferred from a kindergarten or school are financed by funds not provided by the founder, the latter must agree beforehand with the fund provider on the manner of payment for the transferred tasks, and of supervision over the intended use of the funds allocated for the implementation of the transferred tasks.

    Legal basis

  • Educational programmes have general and special parts.

    The general part contains the name of the programme, the objectives of education, the duration of education, mandatory methods for testing and assessing knowledge, condition for enrolment, and conditions for progress and conclusion of education.

    The special part contains the curriculum, syllabuses, catalogues of knowledge and exam catalogues for individual subjects which include the content of subjects or subject fields and optional activities, standards of knowledge or the objectives of lessons and knowledge, which are tested at the end of individual periods in elementary school and with the mature or final exam, and knowledge that teachers of individual subjects must have.

    The content and procedure of adopting educational programmes for private schools are determined in the Articles of Association. Educational programmes become state approved when the competent expert council establishes that they are in accordance with the objectives of the education system in the Republic of Slovenia and that they provide equivalent educational standard.

    Basic and dance education include the following educational programmes:

    •  pre-school music educational programme;
    • music preparatory programme;
    • dance preparatory programme;
    • music programme;
    • dance programme.

    The duration of pre-school music educational programme and music preparatory programme is one year, while the duration of dance preparatory programme is three years. The duration of the music programme is four, six or eight years, while the duration of the dance programme is four or six years.

    Music and dance educational programme include compulsory subjects, provisions on rehearsals and performances of students, and additional lessons to learn about more extensive and demanding programme and additional preparation for national and international competitions for very talented students.

    The following groups of instruments or subjects are taught in basic music and dance education:

    •  instruments played in the orchestra and signing;
    • other instruments;
    • dance: ballet, modern dance;
    • chamber ensemble acting;
    • orchestra: string, brass, accordion, symphonic;
    • music theory and solfege;
    • pre-school music education, music and dance preparatory programme;
    • folk instruments: zither, tamburica, diatonic button accordion.

     Private music schools must carry out lessons in at least three instruments played in the orchestra in at least two individual classes. Programmes of private music schools in subjects and instruments must provide students at least equivalent standard of knowledge as provided by the programme of public music schools.

    Legal basis

  • Schools must provide suitable premises and equipment.

    Legal basis

  • A teacher at a music school teaches in education programmes of basic music and dance education. Music school programmes are purposed for children from 5 years to 15 years of age (at the end of elementary school).

    A teacher at a music school teaches various instruments, dance, music theory or accompaniment.

    A teacher at a music school must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A librarian in education is an individual who handles books, also performs pedagogical work for pupils and students, monitors their work, motivates them for reading, advises them and introduces them in the use of the library, monitors education programmes of the institution, advises other professional workers on the selection of study materials and informs them on novelties.

    A librarian in education must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • Accompaniment teachers who work in education must have an appropriate education, passed internship, and have an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, no criminal record and have passed the professional exam.



  • In addition to matters determined by law, the Articles of Association also regulate internal organisation of public kindergartens and schools.

    In the Articles of Association of a kindergarten or school, the founder, who may be a legal public or private entity, determines that all or individual accompanying activities (accounting, legal and human resource activities, organisation of meals, maintenance, cleaning of premises, and similar) for the kindergarten or school will be carried out within the scope of the founder's services.

    If the tasks transferred from a kindergarten or school are financed by funds not provided by the founder, the latter must agree beforehand with the fund provider on the manner of payment for the transferred tasks, and of supervision over the intended use of the funds allocated for the implementation of the transferred tasks.

    Legal basis

  • Educational programmes have general and special parts.

    The general part contains the name of the programme, the objectives of education, the duration of education, mandatory methods for testing and assessing knowledge, condition for enrolment, and conditions for progress and conclusion of education.

    The special part contains the curriculum, syllabuses, catalogues of knowledge and exam catalogues for individual subjects which include the content of subjects or subject fields and optional activities, standards of knowledge or the objectives of lessons and knowledge, which are tested at the end of individual periods in elementary school and with the mature or final exam, and knowledge that teachers of individual subjects must have. The content and procedure of adopting educational programmes for private schools are determined in the Articles of Association.

    Educational programmes become state approved when the competent expert council establishes that they are in accordance with the objectives of the education system in the Republic of Slovenia and that they provide equivalent educational standard.

    The elementary educational programme comprises compulsory and extended programmes. The compulsory programme includes compulsory and optional subjects, and class meetings.

    Private schools determine the elementary educational programme in accordance with their acts. Private elementary schools carry out lessons in the following compulsory subjects:

    • Slovenian and Italian or Hungarian in ethnically mixed areas,
    • maths,
    • first foreign language,
    • history,
    • patriotic and civic culture and ethics,
    • sport,
    • at least on subject from the field of natural science and one from social science,
    • at least on subject from the field of art.
    Regarding the aforementioned subjects, the programme of private schools must enable pupils to achieve at least equivalent education standard as provided by the programme of public elementary schools.

    Legal basis

  • Schools must provide suitable premises and equipment.

    Legal basis


    Teacher in basic school  carry out educational activities in  primary and lower secondary education programmes for pupils from 6 to 15 years of age and adults.

    Teacher in basic school teaches mandatory subjects in the first and second basic school cycles or one or several subjects in the second and third basic school cycles.

    Teacher in basic school must have: a perfect command of the Standard Slovenian language, hold a relevant educational qualification as stipulated by this Act and other regulations and pass the professional examination in education.




  • A librarian in education is an individual who handles books, also performs pedagogical work for pupils and students, monitors their work, motivates them for reading, advises them and introduces them in the use of the library, monitors education programmes of the institution, advises other professional workers on the selection of study materials and informs them on novelties.

    A librarian in education must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A counsellor in education informs, counsels and offers help to children, pupils and students. Together with other co-workers collaborates in preparing the everyday life in the kindergarten, school or at home, coordinates and organises help to pupils, offers assistance to teachers in improving the efficiency of teaching and counsels them for effectively working with pupils and students with problems, lectures and organises workshops for teachers, preschool teachers and parents.

    Counsellor must have: active knowledge of Slovenian written language, appropriate education and passed professional exam in education.


  • A laboratory technician in education is an individual who performs laboratory exercises, helps subject teachers in classes and performs preparations for laboratory exercises, prepares materials and other didactic materials for exercises as well as performing other forms of organised work with pupils and students.

    A laboratory technician must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • In addition to matters determined by law, the Articles of Association also regulate internal organisation of public kindergartens and schools.

    In the Articles of Association of a kindergarten or school, the founder, who may be a legal public or private entity, determines that all or individual accompanying activities (accounting, legal and human resource activities, organisation of meals, maintenance, cleaning of premises, and similar) for the kindergarten or school will be carried out within the scope of the founder's services.

    If the tasks transferred from a kindergarten or school are financed by funds not provided by the founder, the latter must agree beforehand with the fund provider on the manner of payment for the transferred tasks, and of supervision over the intended use of the funds allocated for the implementation of the transferred tasks.

    Legal basis

  • Educational programmes have general and special parts.

    The general part contains the name of the programme, the objectives of education, the duration of education, mandatory methods for testing and assessing knowledge, condition for enrolment, and conditions for progress and conclusion of education.

    The special part contains the curriculum, syllabuses, catalogues of knowledge and exam catalogues for individual subjects which include the content of subjects or subject fields and optional activities, standards of knowledge or the objectives of lessons and knowledge, which are tested at the end of individual periods in elementary school and with the mature or final exam, and knowledge that teachers of individual subjects must have.

    The content and procedure of adopting educational programmes for private schools are determined in the Articles of Association.

    Educational programmes become state approved when the competent expert council establishes that they are in accordance with the objectives of the education system in the Republic of Slovenia and that they provide equivalent educational standard.

    Educational programmes for the acquisition of vocational education are prepared on the basis of occupational standards. An occupational standard is a document that determines the content of vocational qualification at a certain level of difficulty, and defines the required knowledge, skills, and general and vocational skills. Occupational standards are adopted by the minister responsible for labour at the proposal of the Council of Experts of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational and Technical Education.

    Educational programmes may be prepared for several occupational standards. Training programmes may also be prepared on the basis of occupational standards. The expert council determined the educational programmes that will be prepared for certain occupational standards.

    Legal basis

  • Schools must provide suitable premises and equipment.

    Legal basis

  • A teacher of general subjects in secondary education is an individual who teaches one or more general education subjects in secondary education programmes at lower vocational, high vocational, technical and high professional school or gymnasium. They teach secondary school students from 15 to 19 or 20 years of age.

    They must have: active knowledge of the written Slovenian language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A teacher of professional and theoretical subjects in secondary education is an individual who teaches one or more professional and theoretical education subjects in secondary education programmes at lower vocational, high vocational, technical and high professional school or gymnasium. They teach secondary school students from 15 to 19 or 20 years of age.

    They must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A librarian in education is an individual who handles books, also performs pedagogical work for pupils and students, monitors their work, motivates them for reading, advises them and introduces them in the use of the library, monitors education programmes of the institution, advises other professional workers on the selection of study materials and informs them on novelties.

    A librarian in education must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A teacher of practical subjects in secondary education is an individual who teaches one or more practical education subjects in secondary education programmes at lower vocational, high vocational, technical and high professional school or gymnasium. They teach secondary school students from 15 to 19 or 20 years of age.

    They must have: active knowledge of the written Slovenian language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A counsellor in education informs, counsels and offers help to children, pupils and students. Together with other co-workers collaborates in preparing the everyday life in the kindergarten, school or at home, coordinates and organises help to pupils, offers assistance to teachers in improving the efficiency of teaching and counsels them for effectively working with pupils and students with problems, lectures and organises workshops for teachers, preschool teachers and parents.

    Counsellor must have: active knowledge of Slovenian written language, appropriate education and passed professional exam in education.


  • A master that works as a professional worker in a vocational or professional school, must pass the master craftsman exam, have an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


    Legal basis

  • An organiser in education plans the organisation and implementation of works and tasks in their work field within the scope of education programmes, cooperates with pupils and students and other professional workers and at the work of the education institution.

    An organiser in education must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A laboratory technician in education is an individual who performs laboratory exercises, helps subject teachers in classes and performs preparations for laboratory exercises, prepares materials and other didactic materials for exercises as well as performing other forms of organised work with pupils and students.

    A laboratory technician must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • In addition to matters determined by law, the Articles of Association also regulate internal organisation of public kindergartens and schools.

    In the Articles of Association of a kindergarten or school, the founder, who may be a legal public or private entity, determines that all or individual accompanying activities (accounting, legal and human resource activities, organisation of meals, maintenance, cleaning of premises, and similar) for the kindergarten or school will be carried out within the scope of the founder's services.

    If the tasks transferred from a kindergarten or school are financed by funds not provided by the founder, the latter must agree beforehand with the fund provider on the manner of payment for the transferred tasks, and of supervision over the intended use of the funds allocated for the implementation of the transferred tasks.

    Legal basis

  • Educational programmes have general and special parts.

    The general part contains the name of the programme, the objectives of education, the duration of education, mandatory methods for testing and assessing knowledge, condition for enrolment, and conditions for progress and conclusion of education.

    The special part contains the curriculum, syllabuses, catalogues of knowledge and exam catalogues for individual subjects which include the content of subjects or subject fields and optional activities, standards of knowledge or the objectives of lessons and knowledge, which are tested at the end of individual periods in elementary school and with the mature or final exam, and knowledge that teachers of individual subjects must have.

    The content and procedure of adopting educational programmes for private schools are determined in the Articles of Association.

    Educational programmes become state approved when the competent expert council establishes that they are in accordance with the objectives of the education system in the Republic of Slovenia and that they provide equivalent educational standard.

    Educational programmes for the acquisition of vocational education are prepared on the basis of occupational standards. An occupational standard is a document that determines the content of vocational qualification at a certain level of difficulty, and defines the required knowledge, skills, and general and vocational skills. Occupational standards are adopted by the minister responsible for labour at the proposal of the Council of Experts of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational and Technical Education.

    Educational programmes may be prepared for several occupational standards. Training programmes may also be prepared on the basis of occupational standards. The expert council determined the educational programmes that will be prepared for certain occupational standards.

    Legal basis

  • Schools must provide suitable premises and equipment.

    Legal basis

  • A teacher of general subjects in secondary education is an individual who teaches one or more general education subjects in secondary education programmes at lower vocational, high vocational, technical and high professional school or gymnasium. They teach secondary school students from 15 to 19 or 20 years of age.

    They must have: active knowledge of the written Slovenian language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A teacher of professional and theoretical subjects in secondary education is an individual who teaches one or more professional and theoretical education subjects in secondary education programmes at lower vocational, high vocational, technical and high professional school or gymnasium. They teach secondary school students from 15 to 19 or 20 years of age.

    They must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A librarian in education is an individual who handles books, also performs pedagogical work for pupils and students, monitors their work, motivates them for reading, advises them and introduces them in the use of the library, monitors education programmes of the institution, advises other professional workers on the selection of study materials and informs them on novelties.

    A librarian in education must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A teacher of practical subjects in secondary education is an individual who teaches one or more practical education subjects in secondary education programmes at lower vocational, high vocational, technical and high professional school or gymnasium. They teach secondary school students from 15 to 19 or 20 years of age.

    They must have: active knowledge of the written Slovenian language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A counsellor in education informs, counsels and offers help to children, pupils and students. Together with other co-workers collaborates in preparing the everyday life in the kindergarten, school or at home, coordinates and organises help to pupils, offers assistance to teachers in improving the efficiency of teaching and counsels them for effectively working with pupils and students with problems, lectures and organises workshops for teachers, preschool teachers and parents.

    Counsellor must have: active knowledge of Slovenian written language, appropriate education and passed professional exam in education.


  • A master that works as a professional worker in a vocational or professional school, must pass the master craftsman exam, have an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


    Legal basis

  • An organiser in education plans the organisation and implementation of works and tasks in their work field within the scope of education programmes, cooperates with pupils and students and other professional workers and at the work of the education institution.

    An organiser in education must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A laboratory technician in education is an individual who performs laboratory exercises, helps subject teachers in classes and performs preparations for laboratory exercises, prepares materials and other didactic materials for exercises as well as performing other forms of organised work with pupils and students.

    A laboratory technician must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • In addition to matters determined by law, the Articles of Association also regulate internal organisation of public kindergartens and schools.

    In the Articles of Association of a kindergarten or school, the founder, who may be a legal public or private entity, determines that all or individual accompanying activities (accounting, legal and human resource activities, organisation of meals, maintenance, cleaning of premises, and similar) for the kindergarten or school will be carried out within the scope of the founder's services.

    If the tasks transferred from a kindergarten or school are financed by funds not provided by the founder, the latter must agree beforehand with the fund provider on the manner of payment for the transferred tasks, and of supervision over the intended use of the funds allocated for the implementation of the transferred tasks.

    Legal basis

  • Educational programmes have general and special parts.

    The general part contains the name of the programme, the objectives of education, the duration of education, mandatory methods for testing and assessing knowledge, condition for enrolment, and conditions for progress and conclusion of education.

    The special part contains the curriculum, syllabuses, catalogues of knowledge and exam catalogues for individual subjects which include the content of subjects or subject fields and optional activities, standards of knowledge or the objectives of lessons and knowledge, which are tested at the end of individual periods in elementary school and with the mature or final exam, and knowledge that teachers of individual subjects must have.

    The content and procedure of adopting educational programmes for private schools are determined in the Articles of Association.

    Educational programmes become state approved when the competent expert council establishes that they are in accordance with the objectives of the education system in the Republic of Slovenia and that they provide equivalent educational standard.

    Legal basis

  • Schools must provide suitable premises and equipment.

    Legal basis

  • A teacher of general subjects in secondary education is an individual who teaches one or more general education subjects in secondary education programmes at lower vocational, high vocational, technical and high professional school or gymnasium. They teach secondary school students from 15 to 19 or 20 years of age.

    They must have: active knowledge of the written Slovenian language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A teacher of professional and theoretical subjects in secondary education is an individual who teaches one or more professional and theoretical education subjects in secondary education programmes at lower vocational, high vocational, technical and high professional school or gymnasium. They teach secondary school students from 15 to 19 or 20 years of age.

    They must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A librarian in education is an individual who handles books, also performs pedagogical work for pupils and students, monitors their work, motivates them for reading, advises them and introduces them in the use of the library, monitors education programmes of the institution, advises other professional workers on the selection of study materials and informs them on novelties.

    A librarian in education must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • Accompaniment teachers who work in education must have an appropriate education, passed internship, and have an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, no criminal record and have passed the professional exam.



  • A counsellor in education informs, counsels and offers help to children, pupils and students. Together with other co-workers collaborates in preparing the everyday life in the kindergarten, school or at home, coordinates and organises help to pupils, offers assistance to teachers in improving the efficiency of teaching and counsels them for effectively working with pupils and students with problems, lectures and organises workshops for teachers, preschool teachers and parents.

    Counsellor must have: active knowledge of Slovenian written language, appropriate education and passed professional exam in education.


  • An organiser in education plans the organisation and implementation of works and tasks in their work field within the scope of education programmes, cooperates with pupils and students and other professional workers and at the work of the education institution.

    An organiser in education must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • Foreign teachers who work in education must have an appropriate education, passed internship, have an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, no criminal record and have passed the professional exam.


  • A laboratory technician in education is an individual who performs laboratory exercises, helps subject teachers in classes and performs preparations for laboratory exercises, prepares materials and other didactic materials for exercises as well as performing other forms of organised work with pupils and students.

    A laboratory technician must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • In addition to matters determined by law, the Articles of Association also regulate internal organisation of public kindergartens and schools.

    In the Articles of Association of a kindergarten or school, the founder, who may be a legal public or private entity, determines that all or individual accompanying activities (accounting, legal and human resource activities, organisation of meals, maintenance, cleaning of premises, and similar) for the kindergarten or school will be carried out within the scope of the founder's services.

    If the tasks transferred from a kindergarten or school are financed by funds not provided by the founder, the latter must agree beforehand with the fund provider on the manner of payment for the transferred tasks, and of supervision over the intended use of the funds allocated for the implementation of the transferred tasks.

    Legal basis

  • Educational programmes have general and special parts.

    The general part contains the name of the programme, the objectives of education, the duration of education, mandatory methods for testing and assessing knowledge, condition for enrolment, and conditions for progress and conclusion of education.

    The special part contains the curriculum, syllabuses, catalogues of knowledge and exam catalogues for individual subjects which include the content of subjects or subject fields and optional activities, standards of knowledge or the objectives of lessons and knowledge, which are tested at the end of individual periods in elementary school and with the mature or final exam, and knowledge that teachers of individual subjects must have.

    The content and procedure of adopting educational programmes for private schools are determined in the Articles of Association.

    Educational programmes become state approved when the competent expert council establishes that they are in accordance with the objectives of the education system in the Republic of Slovenia and that they provide equivalent educational standard.

    Participants in adult education acquire knowledge and skills according to special educational programmes for adults, and parts of educational programmes for young people.

    These are programmes for:

    • raising general educational and cultural level of people,
    • function literacy,
    • improving knowledge for work and occupation,
    • education and training of unemployed persons,
    • education for democracy,
    • learning languages,
    • learning Slovenian for foreigners,
    • education for the quality of life,
    • education for exercising special rights of minorities and adults with special needs, and special groups and
    • other general education of adults.

    Knowledge and skills acquired in educational programmes for adults and other educational programmes adopted in accordance with regulations that regulate education for which the competent expert council established equivalent education standard or in parts of educational programmes for young people where state-approved education may be acquired are state approved which is proven with public documents.

    State-approved educational programmes for adults have general and special parts. The general part includes the name of the programme, the volume of education according to the programme, and the conditions for inclusion in, progress and conclusion of the education. The special part contains relevant catalogues of knowledge and exam catalogues. Educational programmes for adults must be published until the tender for enrolment.

    Legal basis

  • Adult education organisations that carry out state-approved educational programmes for adults must have:

    • at least three classrooms;
    • one room for teachers to prepare in;
    • rooms for the head or organiser of education;
    • rooms for the management, administration and accounting if accounting is provided by the organisation itself;
    • separate toilets for participants and expert workers;
    • and other facilities and equipment prescribed for the implementation of a state-approved educational programme.

    All facilities must be suitably lit. Their size must provide at least 2.5 m2 area for each education participant or expert workers.

    If an adult education organisation provides education only in individual forms, it must have at least three rooms for expert workers to work in; rooms for the management, administration and accounting if accounting is provided by the organisation itself; and toilets.

    All rooms where education is carried out must be suitably lit, equipped with electric installations, and heated in accordance with applicable regulations. Rooms must have a technical permission and an operating permit for installations, devices and equipment.

    Rooms intended for adult education must be equipped with furniture that facilitates uninterrupted learning for adults and must be adaptable so that it can be flexibly arranged. Other spatial and equipment requirements are determined by the educational programmes carried out by adult education organisations.

    Adult education organisations that carry out state-approved educational programmes for adults must have the following equipment:

    • at least one TV set, audiovisual equipment, three stable or portable boards and a projection screen.
    • if an organisation carries out computer education, it must have so many computers that a maximum of two students work on a computer at the same time.
    Didactic equipment must comply with the requirements defined by the programmes carried out by adult education organisations. When adopting individual educational programmes for adults, the minister, at the proposal of the competent expert council, may also determine minimum standards for facilities and equipment that differ for the aforementioned.

    Legal basis

  • An organiser of adult education plans, organises, monitors and manages work processes in all phases of the andragogical cycle in adult education programmes.

    The organiser of adult education must have an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A head of adult education manages the work of the professional team, plans and organises education, analyses education work and results, monitors the progress of education participants, implements and organises counselling and performs other tasks determined in the annual work plan.

    The head of adult education must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A teacher of general subjects in secondary education is an individual who teaches one or more general education subjects in secondary education programmes at lower vocational, high vocational, technical and high professional school or gymnasium. They teach secondary school students from 15 to 19 or 20 years of age.

    They must have: active knowledge of the written Slovenian language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A teacher of professional and theoretical subjects in secondary education is an individual who teaches one or more professional and theoretical education subjects in secondary education programmes at lower vocational, high vocational, technical and high professional school or gymnasium. They teach secondary school students from 15 to 19 or 20 years of age.

    They must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A teacher of practical subjects in secondary education is an individual who teaches one or more practical education subjects in secondary education programmes at lower vocational, high vocational, technical and high professional school or gymnasium. They teach secondary school students from 15 to 19 or 20 years of age.

    They must have: active knowledge of the written Slovenian language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • A short-cycle higher school lecturer is an individual who teaches one or more subjects in short-cycle higher education programmes.

    The lecturer must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education, appropriate work experience, no criminal record and have a title of lecturer.


  • A master that works as a professional worker in a vocational or professional school, must pass the master craftsman exam, have an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


    Legal basis

  • A laboratory technician in education is an individual who performs laboratory exercises, helps subject teachers in classes and performs preparations for laboratory exercises, prepares materials and other didactic materials for exercises as well as performing other forms of organised work with pupils and students.

    A laboratory technician must have: an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • An instructor in short-cycle professional education provides for the preparation and implementation of laboratory exercises and other forms of organised work with students.

    They must have an active knowledge of the Slovenian written language, an appropriate education and have passed the professional exam in education.


  • In addition to matters determined by law, the Articles of Association also regulate internal organisation of public kindergartens and schools.

    In the Articles of Association of a kindergarten or school, the founder, who may be a legal public or private entity, determines that all or individual accompanying activities (accounting, legal and human resource activities, organisation of meals, maintenance, cleaning of premises, and similar) for the kindergarten or school will be carried out within the scope of the founder's services.

    If the tasks transferred from a kindergarten or school are financed by funds not provided by the founder, the latter must agree beforehand with the fund provider on the manner of payment for the transferred tasks, and of supervision over the intended use of the funds allocated for the implementation of the transferred tasks.

    Legal basis

  • Educational programmes have general and special parts.

    The general part contains the name of the programme, the objectives of education, the duration of education, mandatory methods for testing and assessing knowledge, condition for enrolment, and conditions for progress and conclusion of education.

    The special part contains the curriculum, syllabuses, catalogues of knowledge and exam catalogues for individual subjects which include the content of subjects or subject fields and optional activities, standards of knowledge or the objectives of lessons and knowledge, which are tested at the end of individual periods in elementary school and with the mature or final exam, and knowledge that teachers of individual subjects must have.

    The content and procedure of adopting educational programmes for private schools are determined in the Articles of Association.

    Educational programmes become state approved when the competent expert council establishes that they are in accordance with the objectives of the education system in the Republic of Slovenia and that they provide equivalent educational standard.

    Educational programmes carried out by private schools according to special teaching principles (Steiner, Decroly, Montessori and similar) becomes state approved when the competent expert council establishes that they are in accordance with the objectives of the education system in the Republic of Slovenia, and that they ensure minimum knowledge that facilitates successful conclusion of education, and have been recognised by the international association of such schools.

    Legal basis

  • Schools must provide suitable premises and equipment.

    Legal basis