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A person responsible for plant health protection in the field of wooden material processing and labelling
A person responsible for plant health protection is a natural entity with professional experience in the special processing and labelling of wooden packaging material.
A person responsible for plant health protection is in a regular labour relationship or contractual relationship with a facility and it performs and fulfils the obligations of registered facilities on its behalf.
The person responsible for plant health in the field of processing and labelling of wooden material must have a university or high professional education in the field of wood processing and at least five years of work experience with the procedures specific wood processing.
Dokazilo o ustrezni izobrazbi:
kopija diplome
Dokazilo o delovnih izkušnjah:
Pogodba o zaposlitvi s polnim delovnim časom ali pisna izjava pravne ali
fizične osebe iz katere izhaja, da je posameznik pri njen opravljal
storitve na področju posebne obdelave lesa, v kateri sta navedeni vrsta in čas
opravljanja takšnih storitev - original ali overjena fotokopija.
Priložiti je potrebno tudi overjen prevod v slovenskem jeziku.
Legal basis
Cross-border provisions of profession
Čezmejno/občasno opravljanje poklica ni definirano.