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Professions and professional staff
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Number of professions: 24 / 389
- A person responsible for plant health protection in the field of wooden material processing and labelling
- A professional co-worker for advertising medicinal products which can be sold in specialised stores
- A teacher for children with special needs
- A technical worker in the field of plant health protection
- Able seafarer - deck
- Able seafarer - engine
- Accompaniment teacher in education
- Administrator of insolvency proceedings and compulsory liquidations
- Air-conditioning and ventilation operator
- Amateur radio operator
- An expert in the field of the quality of the olive oil
- Analyst of the seed quality of agricultural plants
- Animal caretaker
- Animal keeper
- Animal keeper
- Animal keeper with a concession
- Animal labeller
- Aquaculture keeper
- Assistant librarian
- Assistant to preschool teacher
- Authorised engineer of security systems
- Authorised expert for radiation protection
- Authorised expert in medical physics
- Authorised person for the issue of medicinal products