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Animal caretaker

An animal caretaker is a natural entity who takes care of animals intended for breeding at the agricultural holding.

An animal caretaker must provide a proper care in breeding, transport and other procedures most suitable for an individual animal species.

An animal caretaker is obliged to provide special care and appropriate treatment for sick, injured and exhausted animals and if necessary also provide them a separate facility.

An animal caretaker must have appropriate education or suitable qualification and knowledge on breeding and treatment of domestic animals, health protection of domestic animals, fodder and feeding of domestic animals and animal products and management of livestock tasks.


  • Before pursuing the activity, an animal caretaker must have appropriate education. An animal caretaker must complete education according to educational programmes, where the livestock production was included as a course at vocational and secondary schools in the field of agriculture or veterinary science. The education at higher professional schools, high professional education and university programme in the field of agriculture or veterinary science is also included.


    Copy of the school certificate or diploma

    Legal basis

  • An animal caretaker must be professionally trained to conduct the tasks of animal caretaking. The programme of professional training for animal caretakers is conducted with the purpose of acquiring basic knowledge in the field of animal caretaking and lasts from 3 to maximum 6 school hours. The programme covers the following topics: 

    breeding and handling of domestic animals; health care of domestic animals; fodder and feeding of domestic animals, prevention of the occurrence of residues in the foodstuffs of animal origin; animal products; handling with livestock fertilisers; zoo-hygienic standards; breeding programme in livestock production, organisation of breeders; legislation in the field of livestock. 

    An applicant lodges an application with the training provider. The material is prepared by the training provider in a written from and in the Slovenian language for each participant. The costs of training and issuing of official certificates are borne by the participant After the completed training, the participant receives the certificate of completed training.


    Certificate of completed training

    Legal basis

Cross-border provisions of profession

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