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Chimney sweep

A chimney sweep is a natural person who has obtained a licence to carry out the chimney sweep services and a chimney sweep card.

Chimney sweep carries out chimney services for the chimney sweep company on the basis of an employment contract or other legal basis. After issuing the licence, the chimney sweep is enlisted in the chimney sweep register.

A chimney sweep is a person who performs the following services in the field:

  • checks small combustion installations and related flue ducts, ventilation devices and auxiliary installations,
  • removes tar deposits and implements anti-corrosion protection,
  • checks and cleans ventilation devices,
  • measurs the operating monitoring of emissions of substances into the air from small combustion installations, and informs users on the energy efficiency of small combustion installations.


  • Persons providing chimney seeping services must have completed training according to the prescribed programme to obtain suitable education or qualification:

    • a chimney sweep,
    • master chimney sweep,
    • foreman chimney sweep,
    • environmental technician


    • at least the sixth level of professional education or a first-level educational programme of study areas, which fall within a narrower range of Technology or in narrower areas of Architecture, Urban Planning, and Construction and one year of work experience in chimney sweeping.

    Legal basis

  • To acquire a licence to carry out chimney sweeping services person may not be sentenced to imprisonment for sexual offence, criminal offenses against life and body and property and crimes of violence, and that the judgment was not expunged.

    Administrative unit may request information about unexpunged convictions from criminal records at the Ministry of Justice.

  • Every eight years, chimney sweep must attend additional training. After training he or she receives attendance certificate which must be submitted to the administrative unit.

    The Minister shall prescribe detailed conditions for obtaining authorization, training programmes and the tariffs for training.

Recognition of qualifications acquired abroad

There are following systems for the recognition of professional qualifications acquired in the EU:

Cross-border provisions of profession

Performance of the profession in Slovenia is possible on cross-border/temporary basis. Prior to commencing the service, you must submit a written application to the competent authority.

Za občasno ali čezmejno izvajanje dimnikarskih storitev je potrebna predhodna prijava pri Ministrstvu za okolje in prostor. Ministrstvo pa o tem posamezniku izda potrdilo o prejeti prijavi.

Na podlagi izdanega potrdila upravna enota izda ponudniku odločbo o podelitvi licence in dimnikarsko izkaznico ter ga vpiše v evidenco izvajanja dimnikarskih storitev.

Licenca velja eno leto od dneva pravnomočnosti odločbe o njeni podelitvi, za isto obdobje se izda dimnikarska izkaznica.