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Foreign correspondent

Foreign correspondents are journalists, photojournalists and radio, television and film recorders who, irrespective of their nationality, are full employees of a foreign publisher/broadcaster of a mass medium or a foreign press Agency, or who have concluded a contract with such publisher/broadcaster or Agency and intend to perform their activities in the Republic of Slovenia for at least three (3) months.


  • Prior to the initiation of activities in Slovenia, a foreign correspondent must be entered in the register of foreign correspondence offices and foreign correspondents.

    With this entry the correspondent obtains accreditation in the Republic of Slovenia. The application for entry in the register is lodged by the management of the foreign medium or foreign press agency at the Ministry of Culture.

    The following data must be indicated in the proposal for the entry of the foreign correspondent in the register:

    • name and surname of the correspondent,
    • date, place and country of birth,
    • citizenship,
    • country, place and date of issue, passport or personal identity card number, if the foreign correspondent is the citizen of the Republic of Slovenia,
    • place and address of the permanent residence abroad, if the foreign correspondent only temporarily resides in the Republic of Slovenia.

    In exceptional cases a foreign correspondent who is not employed at a foreign press agency or publisher/broadcaster of a foreign medium and who has not concluded an appropriate contract on the performance of activities may apply for entry in the register under the following conditions:

    • if the application for entry in the register is filed with all required data and appendices, excluding the certificate on employment at a foreign press agency or at the publisher/broadcaster of a foreign medium or if the applicant has concluded an appropriate contract for implementing activities with the foreign press agency or publisher/broadcaster of a foreign medium,
    • if the application comprises the evidence that the correspondent actually cooperates with the foreign agency or foreign medium,
    • if the international press card is submitted.


Cross-border provisions of profession

Performance of the profession in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.