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Head of a fisheries holding

A head of a fisheries holding must be professionally trained for performing tasks as a head of a fisheries holding.

A head of a fisheries holding may be any citizen of the Republic of Slovenia over the age of maturity who has passed the exam for a professionally trained worker performing tasks as a head of a fisheries holding.

A head of a fisheries holding is in charge of operational tasks, such as:

  • planning the management of a fishing environ,
  • care for environmental protection (fishery keeper services),
  • catches in breeding streams,
  • purchasing fish for placing into waters, and
  • reporting and cooperating with the line ministry.


  • The examination consists of the verification of knowledge in subject

    matter that fisheries manager needs for implementing the Fishery and

    Farming Management Plans and for performing other tasks in the fishing


    The examination covers the following subject matter:

    • the basics of fish biology;
    • the basics of aquaculture;
    • fish diseases;
    • fish ecology and biological communities in waters;
    • the impacts on the aquatic environment and measures in the event of fish deaths;
    • the area of freshwater fishing, environmental protection, nature conservation and water management;
    • fisheries management in fishing districts;
    • fishing cadastre;
    • planning in the field of fishing;
    • reporting in the field of fishing.

    The subject matter of the examination is determined in the programme of professional examination for the fishing manager.


    candidate should be provided with a minimum of ten hours of theoretical

    training and all the necessary literature and legal resources needed to

    take the examination.



    candidate for the examination submits the application on a prescribed

    form. The candidate is informed of the time and place of the examination

    at least fifteen days prior to the examination date. All the activities

    are conducted through the holder of the public authorisation.


    The exam consists of a written and an oral part. Before the beginning

    of the written part the identity of the candidate is verified. The

    written part comprises 20 questions and taken under the supervision at

    least one commission member. The oral part is taken before the

    examination commission. The candidate takes the oral part of the

    examination only if he/she has reached at least 60% of points at the

    written part. Both the oral and written part are taken the same day. The

    written part of the examination will take a maximum of 90 minutes and

    the oral part a maximum of 15 minutes. The examination is public.

    The applicant who has passed the examination receives a certificate of passing examination.

    If this is not the case, the candidate may, immediately after the

    results are delivered, make an oral objection on the record to the


    In the fishing cadastre records are kept of the

    examinations for the purposes of establishing qualifications for the

    work of fishing manager in a fishing region.


    Potrdilo o opravljenem izpitu za ribiškega gospodarja

    Legal basis

    Competent Authority

    Fishing Association of Slovenia

    Tržaška cesta 134
    1000 Ljubljana

Cross-border provisions of profession

Čezmejno opravljanje poklica ribiškega gospodarja ni definirano.