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Insurance intermediary

An insurance intermediary is a person who, on the basis of employment or other legal relationship with an insurance company or an insurance agency, is authorised to conclude insurance contracts in the name and for the account of the insurance company.

In addition to the conclusion of contracts, insurance agency services also include activities related to the preparation for the conclusion of an insurance contract, and assistance with the exercise of the rights arising from the contract, especially with the solving of claims addressed to an insurance company.


  • Fizična oseba, ki pridobi pri Agenciji za zavarovalni nadzor dovoljenje za opravljanje dejavnosti zavarovalni zastopnik, lahko opravlja posle zavarovalnega zastopanja pri zavarovalnici ali zavarovalni zastopniški družbi.

    Agencija za zavarovalni nadzor izda dovoljenje za opravljanje poslov zavarovalnega zastopanja, če oseba izpolnjuje naslednje pogoje:

    1.     da je uspešno opravila preizkus strokovnih znanj, potrebnih za opravljanje poslov zavarovalnega zastopanja oziroma posredovanja,

    2.     da ima najmanj enoletne izkušnje s področja zavarovalnih poslov, ki jih je pridobil na podlagi zaposlitve oziroma drugega pravnega razmerja z zavarovalnico oziroma zavarovalno zastopniško družbo,

    3.     da obvlada slovenski jezik,

    4.     da ni bila pravnomočno nepogojno obsojena za kaznivo dejanje zoper premoženje oziroma gospodarstvo na kazen zapora več kot treh mesecev,

    5.     da ji Agencija za zavarovalni nadzor ni odvzela dovoljenja za opravljanje poslov zavarovalnega zastopanja ali posredovanja pred manj kakor petimi leti.


  • Insurance companies authorise insurance agents to conclude insurance contracts in the name and for the account of the insurance company.

    In addition to the conclusion of contracts, insurance agency services also include activities related to the preparation for the conclusion of an insurance contract, and assistance with the exercise of the rights arising from the contract, especially with the solving of claims addressed to the insurance company.

    An authorisation of an insurance agent to conclude an insurance contract also encompasses an authorisation to modify or extend the contract, and accept the statement of a policyholder about the withdrawal from the insurance contract.

    Legal basis

  • Insurance companies must keep a register of insurance agencies that pursue the activity of insurance agencies for them on the basis of a legal relationship, and a register of insurance agents who provide insurance agency services for them on the basis of employment or any other legal relationship.

    Insurance agencies must keep a register of insurance agents who provide insurance agency services in insurance agencies on the basis of employment or any other legal relationship.

    Insurance agencies must keep a register of insurance agencies that pursue the activity of insurance agencies for them on the basis of a legal relationship.

    All the aforementioned registers are publicly accessible.

    Legal basis

Cross-border provisions of profession

Performance of the profession in Slovenia is possible on cross-border/temporary basis. You may start performing it after acquisition of a specific permit from Competent authority.