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Person responsible for plant health protection
A person responsible for plant health protection is a natural entity with suitable professional training. This means that they must have either suitable education or suitable work experience.
A person responsible for plant health protection may be:
- a keeper of plants and plant products themselves or
- a person who is in a regular labour or contractual relationship with the keeper and who performs and fulfils the obligations of registered keepers and the obligations arising from the issuing of plant passports on their behalf.
A person responsible for plant health protection must inspect land and farmed plants, including cultivated land (fields, plantations, tree nurseries, gardens, nurseries). The tasks of a person responsible for plant health protection also include the inspection of freely growing plants and facilities for warehousing, plant and plant product processing and storage. This person must have control over the means for the transportation of plants and plant products and other controlled items owned or used for the purpose of discovering the occurrence and spreading of pests.
In the event that plant passport is not required for plants and plant products, the person responsible for plant health must have:
- secondary education in the field of agriculture and one year work experience in the production, processing, distribution or imported plants and plant products, or
- 3 years of work experience in the field of production, processing, distribution or import of the relevant plants
Izobrazbo in delovne izkušnje odgovorne osebe za zdravstveno varstvo rastlin je potrebno navesti v obrazcu 3 vloge za vpis v FITO register. Pristojni organ lahko te navedbe po potrebi preverja pri drugih pristojnih inštitucijah. Dokazila o izobrazbi in delovnih izkušnjah tako niso potrebna.
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Cross-border provisions of profession
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