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Professional worker for implementing a breeding programme

A professional worker for implementing a breeding programme is in charge for the correct implementation of a breeding programme according to the instructions of a professional manager.

A professional worker carries out measurements and tests animal properties and values and interprets the results.

A professional worker must be professionally trained to implement a breeding programme.


  • Professional workers in breeding programmes must be professionally competent to carry out professional tasks in animal husbandry.

    Professional training programmes are carried out to improve, expand and deepen knowledge for the needs of the implementation of breeding programmes. The programme covers the following topics:

    • general knowledge in animal husbandry,
    • prevention of inbreeding and use of breeding animals,
    • new knowledge in implementing breeding programmes,
    • new features in regulations that regulate animal husbandry.

    Applicants lodge an application with the training provider.

    The training programme lasts a maximum of eight school hours.

    The training is followed by a test of knowledge. Training providers must announce at least three dates for the test of knowledge. The test of knowledge is carried out in written form and lasts 45 minutes.

    The result of the test is assessed as " pass-a" or&quot
    fail-a&quot. If an applicant fails to pass the test on three occasions, they take each further test before a three-member commission.

    The material is prepared by the training provider in a written from and in Slovenian for each participant.

    The costs of training, the test of knowledge and the issuing of official certificates are borne by the participants or the organisation that referred them to the programme.

    Following training, the participants receive a certificate of participation and a certificate of passing the test of knowledge.

    Professional training programmes must be attended every five years and completed with a test of knowledge.


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    Competent Authority

Cross-border provisions of profession

Strokovni delavec za izvajanje rejskega programa ne sodi v storitveno direktivo. Čezmejno opravljanje poklica v tem primeru ni možno.