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Veterinary assistant
A veterinary assistant is a person with a suitable education who under the supervision of a veterinarian performs individual veterinary services such as:
- protective vaccination of animals;
- application of drugs to animals;
- drawing blood,
- milk and faeces for laboratory testing and performing the technical part of the test for typhus avium;
- drawing samples and performing trichinoscopy;
- inseminating animals and keeping insemination records;
- distributing drugs and medical devices for the use in veterinary medicine;
- preparation of disinfectants and insecticides, and performing disinfection, disinfection and deratisation according to the veterinarian's instructions;
- taking semen and preparing insemination dosages under the veterinarian's supervision;
- laboratory examinations of semen for reproduction capacity;
- various veterinary services such as the castration of pigs and correction of hooves, dehelmentisation and ferminisation of pigs;
- performing routine laboratory examinations and services under the veterinarian' supervision;
- routine parasitological examinations, keeping records and documents;
- assistance at surgeries and the preparation of surgical instruments;
- animal labelling - chipping, numbering.
A veterinary organisation can employ a veterinarian instead of a veterinary assistant with regards to the nature and scope of work.
Posameznik mora imeti ustrezno srednješolsko izobrazbo V. stopnje:
- veterinarski tehnik ali živinorejsko-veterinarski tehnik.
- Spričevalo o zaključenem izobraževanju ali dokazilo o ustreznem usposabljanju - izvirnik, overjena kopija ali neoverjena kopija z vpogledom izvirnika,
- V EU izdano spričevalo, ki dokazuje ustrezno poklicno usposobljenost - overjena kopija v slovenskem prevodu
Legal basis
Posameznik mora za izvajanje opravil pridobiti ustrezno znanje na usposabljanjih po programu, ki ga pripravi Veterinarska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani v soglasju z Upravo RS za varno hrano, veterinarstvo in varstvo rastlin in Veterinarsko zbornico.
Legal basis