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A conservator-restorer pursues the activity of conservation and restoration.  Before the start of pursuing the occupation a conservator and restorer must finish an adequate level of education and pass the professional examination in the field of conservation and restoration. 


Recognition of qualifications acquired abroad

There are following systems for the recognition of professional qualifications acquired in the EU:

Cross-border provisions of profession

Državljani članic Evropske unije, Evropskega gospodarskega prostora in Švicarske konfederacije, ki želijo občasno opravljati poklic, morajo pri Ministrstvu za kulturo vložiti pisno prijavo.

Posameznik, ki storitev opravlja več kot eno leto, svojo prijavo podaljša enkrat v koledarskem letu pri Ministrstvu za kulturo in v njej obvesti o morebitni spremembi podatkov.