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Designer of conservation plans for renewal

A designer of a conservation plan for renewal may be any person who has the status of an authorised spatial planner as per the Act governing the construction of facilities and who has passed the professional examination in the conservation activity. 


  • A professional examination is used to establish and assess the qualification of the candidate for performing expert works in the field of cultural heritage protection, for which the candidate has been trained.

    The examinations are categorised with regard to the field of cultural heritage protection: conservation, conservation and restoration and museum fields. Examinations are further categorised with regard to the required education that is necessary to obtain a title. 

    An individual who passes an exam in a certain field of cultural heritage protection and starts performing work in another field of cultural heritage protection must perform a supplementary part of the examination in the field of cultural heritage protection, which the passed exam did not comprise. The supplementary part of the examination must be performed in one year from the start of work in the other field of cultural heritage protection. 

    An individual who obtained a higher level of education during employment than the level within the scope of which the examination was passed, must pass the supplementary part of the examination. If the individual performs work that applies to the newly obtained higher education level, they must pass the supplementary part of the examination within one year from the date when they were allocated to the particular job. 

    The candidate can prepare for an examination when they perform at least one half of the prescribed apprenticeship or training period. 

    The application for the exam must be in written form. After a complete application with all evidence, the president of the exam commission determines a person who questions the candidate for the special part of the examination and the evaluator of the written assignment, and they approve the applied topic of the written assignment or determines another topic of the written assignment or relieves the candidate to prepare a written assignment upon the proposal of their mentor. 

    The examination comprises a general and special part: The examination for candidates with a minimum 1st higher level education in the conservation activity comprises the written assignment.

    The general part of the examination is made in writing. It is uniform for all candidates, regardless of the level of their education. The candidate does not have to pass the general part of the examination, if they passed the examination in another field of cultural heritage. The examination questionnaire form is determined by the persons questioning the candidates and lasts for maximum 60 minutes. The candidate passes the general part of the exam if 60% of total points are scored.

    The special part of the examination is passed in written or oral form. It comprises knowledge with regard to the type of professional work for which the candidate is preparing. The special part of the examination comprises the general part and selected sub-field. The candidate chooses the sub-field with regard to employment, job and expert field, where they work.

    Individuals with high school education perform in conservation activities pass the special part of the examination with the general part.

    The questionnaire in the special part must be adapted to the level of education and the expert work of the candidate. The special part of the exam lasts max. 90 minutes, the candidate passes it if they achieve 60% of total points for each individual subject.

    The knowledge shown by the candidate in an individual examination subject is evaluated with "successful" and "not successful". The candidate who is evaluated with "not successful" at one subject, can resit the examination in the deadline determined by the commission and cannot be shorter than 20 days from the date of the first examination. A candidate who is evaluated with "not successful" in two or more subjects must once again apply for the examination and resit the entire examination.

    A candidate who passed the examination receives  confirmation on the passed exam from the ministry.

    The costs of the examination are covered by the competent organisation or any other care entity or the candidate. The professional examination is free of charge for apprentices who work at the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, in national or authorised museums, the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia or the NUK. Other candidates must settle the costs of examination at application and submit a copy of the payment certificate.


Cross-border provisions of profession

Performance of the profession in Slovenia is not possible on Cross-border/temporary basis.