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SKD Code
Number of activities: 58 / 1005
I56.220Canteen and other food service activities
H52.240Cargo handling (52.240)
C24.510Casting of iron
C24.530Casting of light metals
C24.520Casting of steel
L64.110Central banking (64.110)
N71.200Certification and control over the production of organic and integrated agricultural products
N71.200Checking for leaks and recovering fluorinated greenhouse gases or ozone-depleting substances
R88.910Child day-care activities (88.910)
I55.201Children’s and other holiday homes (55.201)
N71.200Chimney sweeping services
A01.620Classification and labelling of bovine carcasses
N71.129Classification institution activity
R86.100Clinical testing of medicinal products
C24.310Cold drawing of bars (24.310)
C24.340Cold drawing of wire (24.340)
C24.330Cold forming or folding (24.330)
C24.320Cold rolling of narrow strip (24.320)
S91.120Collecting or storing the material in a digital form
E38.120Collection and removal of hazardous waste (chemicals, oil wastes, batteries, etc.)
E38.120Collection of hazardous waste (38.120)
E38.110Collection of non-hazardous waste (38.110)
O81.100Combined facilities support activities (81.100)
O82.100Combined office administrative service activities (82.110)
H49.200Combined railway transport
A03.120 A03.300Commercial fishing ponds
F42.220Communication network maintenance
R86.960Complementary and alternative medicine
P84.300Compulsory social security activities (84.300)
K62.200Computer consultancy activities (62.020)
K62.200Computer facilities management activities (62.030)
K62.100Computer programming activities (62.010)
F42.110 F43.990Concreting
S91.220Conservation activity
S91.300Conservation and restoration activity
F43.120Construction and maintenance of forest roads
F42.130Construction of bridges and tunnels
F43.220 F43.420 F43.990Construction of chimneys and furnaces (industrial and others)
F42.220Construction of facilities for power plants
F43.420 F43.500 F43.990Construction of foundations, including pile driving
F42.220Construction of networks and infrastructure
F42.990 M68.120Construction of other civil engineering projects
F42.120Construction of railways and underground railways (42.120)
F41.000 F43.990 S91.300Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
F42.110 F43.500Construction of roads
F42.220Construction of utility projects for electricity and telecommunications
F42.210Construction of utility projects for fluids and gases
F42.910Construction of water projects
N71.129Construction supervision
C24.440Copper production (24.440)
N69.103 N69.109Court appraisers
N69.103Court experts
N69.103 N69.109Court interpretation
A02.100Cultivation and protection of forests
C23.700Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone (23.700)