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SKD Code
Number of activities: 92 / 1005
O82.920Packaging activities (82.920)
H51.100Passenger air transport (51.100)
H49.110Passenger rail transport, interurban (49.100)
N69.103 N69.109Patent representation
T96.220Pedicure activity
L65.300Pension funding (65.300)
P84.250 S93.110 S93.120 S93.190 S93.299Performance of fireworks
S90.200Performing arts (90.010)
N71.200Performing field inspections of seed units of agricultural plants under official supervision
N71.200Performing seed unit analyses for agricultural plants under official control
N71.200Performing the sampling of seed units of agricultural plants under official supervision
N70.200Periodic inspections and tests of working equipment
N70.200Periodic inspections of the harmfulness of the working environment
R88.999Personal social aid
C18.120 N74.200Photographic activities (74.200)
T96.230Physical well-being activities (96.040)
G46.180Placing cosmetic products on the market
O80.011 O80.012 O80.019Planning of technical security systems
A01.300Plant propagation
F43.310Plastering work
F43.220Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation
A01.630Post-harvest crop activities (01.630)
Q85.320Post-secondary non-tertiary education (85.320)
C18.130Pre-press and pre-media services (18.130)
Q85.100Pre-primary education (85.100)
C24.410Precious metals production (24.410)
C13.100Preparation and spinning of textile fibres (13.100)
S91.220Preparation of conservation plans for renewal
C21.200Preparation of non-routine medicinal products for advanced therapy
Q85.200Primary education (85.200)
C18.110Printing of newspapers (18.110)
A01.630 G46.210 G46.220Priprava za trg in trženje semenskih mešanic
Q85.590Private adult education with state-approved programmes
Q85.590Private kindergartens and schools with state-approved programmes, which apply special pedagogical principles
R86.910 R86.920 R86.930 R86.940 R86.950 R86.970 R86.990Private medical practice
Q85.401Private post-secondary vocational education with state-approved programmes
Q85.510 S93.130Private practice in sport
Q85.100Private pre-school education with state-approved programmes
Q85.200Private primary education with state-approved programmes
Q85.520Private primary music education
Q85.310Private secondary general education with state-approved programmes
Q85.320Private secondary technical and professional education with state-approved programmes
O80.090Private security activities (80.100)
Q85.320Private vocational education with state-approved programmes
C10.200Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs (10.200)
C10.110Processing and preserving of meat
C10.310Processing and preserving of potatoes (10.310)
C10.120Processing and preserving of poultry meat (10.120)
E38.220 E38.230 E38.310 E38.320 E38.330Processing and removal of waste ozone depleting substances or fluorinated greenhouse gases
C24.460Processing of nuclear fuel (24.460)
C10.830Processing of tea and coffee (10.830)
C11.020Producing other grape and wine products
A01.300Production and distribution of plants and plant products
C23.910Production of abrasive products (23.910)
C21.100Production of active ingredients
A01.110 A01.130 A01.190 A01.220 A01.240 A01.250 A01.260Production of agricultural products and foodstuffs
C26.510Production of certified measuring instruments
A01.290Production of Christmas trees
C21.100Production of excipients for medicinal products
G46.850Production of hazardous chemicals
C10.130Production of meat and poultry meat products
C21.200Production of medicinal products
C11.020 C11.040Production of must and non-bottled wine
C11.070Production of natural mineral waters and other bottled waters
A01.110 A01.120 A01.130 A01.140 A01.150 A01.160 A01.190 A01.300Production of seed units of agricultural plants
Q85.590Professional training and testing of executive railway workers
Q85.590Professional training in the field of plant health protection
C24.450Proizvodnja drugih neželeznih kovin (24.450)
O80.011 O80.012 O80.019Protection of persons
O80.011 O80.012 O80.019Protection of persons and property
O80.012 O80.019Protection of public gatherings
Q85.590Providing professional training in the fisheries sector
A01.610Providing the public service of plant health protection
P84.250 S93.110 S93.120 S93.190 S93.299Providing training for work with explosives or pyrotechnic products
K61.100Provision of communication networks and services
H53.200Provision of exchangeable postal services
P84.250 S93.110 S93.120 S93.190 S93.299Provision of training for safe handling of firearms
O78.200Provision of work and temporary as well as occasional work to pupils and students
O78.200Provision of work to the user
P84.240Public order and safety activities (84.240)
H49.110 H49.120 H49.200Public railway infrastructure management
N73.300Public relations activities (70.210)
J58.210Publishing of computer games (58.210)
J58.120Publishing of directories and mailing lists (58.120)
J58.130Publishing of magazines and periodicals
J58.120Publishing of newspapers